yandere blood moon x trash can head dude

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Bloodmoons pov
We were just walking down a shady alley looking for a blood sacrifice we saw a weird man with a trash can head he looked weak and perfect
So we walked over and took some blood from his neck the trash can was interrupting our blood harvest to we took it off his head he looked cute when he was scared
Trash can head dude
Who are you

Blood moon - blood moon is our name

Trash can man

Blood moon
Me and my brothers name we share a body

Trash can man
Hmm okay you are kind a cute

Blood moon 
Cute think again blood moon put his tongue in side of his mouth and cut it

Trash can man

Random guy
Hey freak where's my money

Blood moon we don't owe you money

Random guy
No he does  *tries to kill the trash can guy with a gun*

Blood moon
This is our blood harvest go find your own person

Trash can man
Thanks bloodmoon

Blood moon nodded back trying to get rid of the body and the blood on him

The end I know it was short but yeah I didn't have many ideas
The idea was requested by somebody I forgot their use but yeah

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