Creeps and Calls

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***OH MY GOD! 1000+ READS! YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST! THANK YOU! more on how amazing you guys are at the end of the chapter! Now on with the story! ***

Tasha's POV:

I was in my room, reading a magazine when I heard a knock on the door.

"Um, you may enter?" I said confused. My parents never understood privacy before so why would they start to knock on my door before entering now?

"Sorry, you left your phone downstairs." My dad said as he walked toward me. He gave me my phone and just stood there.

"Oh, yeah sorry." I say as I take it from him.

"Yeah, um, you got a call. I picked it up and it was some boy. " My dad chuckled as he continued, " He hung up after I answered."

"Oh, dad I forgot, Jake said he'd call when he got back from Ohio. I better call him!" I say as I looked at him, waiting for him to leave. He didn't seem to get the message. "Um, thanks for giving my phone?" I say as I looked at him and back at the door.

"Oh, that's my cue to leave wasn't it? okay peace out girl scout." He chuckled as he left.

I rolled my eyes at him, why do parents always think its cool if they imitate teenagers. He did a horrible job at it too, I mean "peace out girl scout" Really...?

I turned my phone on and looked at the missed calls. It was an unknown number. Uh, it wasn't Jake, who could've called me? Nobody ever did call me, they usually just texted me or tweeted me. Well, I wasn't doing anything important so I decided to call the person back. It rang for a bit, and right when I was about to hang up, a voice answered.

"Hello?" A boy replied. He had a thick accent, maybe it was Irish?

"Uh, hi? Did you just call me?" I asked awkwardly. God, why was I so awkward?

"Oh, you must be Tasha!" The voice replied, as he laughed at my confusion.

"Uh...yeah that's me. May I ask who you are?" I ask, I started to feel a bit creeped out since this person clearly knew I was but I didn't know who it was.

"Aw, babe you don't remember last night?" The voice teased.

"Oh shut up and tell me right now before I hang up." I sighed, I was in no mood to play games.

"Ha-ha, calm down this is Harry's phone." the voice answered.

"And you are?" I ask. Im not stupid, if this was Harry's phone why didn't Harry pick up?

"We talked on Facebook remember? It's Niall, Harry's sexy roommate?" He laughed as he responded.

"Oh. Well where's Harry?" I asked, tired of asking all the questions and just wanted to figure where Harry was and end the call.

"Well, he's looking for you!" He said.

"Wait what are you talkin-" I was disrupted by the sight of a rocks being thrown at my window. "Um, look it was great talking to you but I've got to go. Uh, bye." I didn't wait to hear Niall's reply as I ended the call and ran to my window. I look out to see some boy holding rocks in his hand, his hand was mid way in the air, ready to throw the next rock when he saw I had come to the window. I open it and squint my eyes to see how it was.

"Harry.." I whispher as I see him walk toward my window. My room faced the back of the house, facing the yard.

"Can I come up there?" He texted me. I look from my phone to Harry. I smile and nod as he starts to climb the ladder that was placed there. I move away as he jumps into my room. I look around sheepishly, it wasn't the best room in the world but it was decent enough.

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