- Chapter 6: And run fast -

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Willow's Pov

When i woke up sprawled out in the middle of my new bed with a snoring Logan laying on the floor beside the bed since he refused to sleep next to me untill we are absolutely comfortable around each other. I quietly climb off the opposite side of the bed, then go to the bathroom where i have a shower and get dressed for the day. Once i've finished getting dressed, i leave my and Logans' floor going down to the main floor to have much needed breakfast with everyone. I honestly don't give a shit that Steve and Sharon will most likely be there because Steve got his warning from Logan, and Sharon got her warning from Wanda. I could also give them a warning in my own very special way, which will most likely cause them pain and leave them with scars. I'm not going to let Steve bring me down anymore because he showed everyone his true colours, and i'm finally going to show him my true potential to protect MY baby. The shy timid Willow is gone, and the angry protective mama wolf has awoken to protect my soulmate and baby.

The sound of the elevator doors opening snapped me out of my thoughts and straightened my back as i stepped out of the elevator. The first thing i hear is Natasha threatening to slit Sharon's throat in the most deadly calm voice, and it reminded me of why they call her the black widow. I walk into the kitchen just as i see Natasha stab a knife into the dining table right in front of a shaking Sharon. I didn't say a single word as i walked around the dining table and stood at the kitchen island, grabbing a plate and started to serve myself breakfast. That's when i heard Bucky, Tony, and Natasha threatening both Steve and Sharon, who have gone extremely pale with every threat that was said. I found it very hard not to laugh because now, instead of Sharon and Steve ganging up on me, they have the team ganging up on them. I finished putting food on my plate, then walked over to the dining table and sat down in between Tony and Bucky since Tony moved over to let me sit in between them only for the threats to stop.

"Oh please, don't stop on my account. Please continue. I was enjoying seeing them look so pale." I said, smirking

"Hush, little flower. Eat your breakfast. We have this under control." Tony said softly

"Fine, but don't stop on my account." I said, smiling at him

"Of course we won't doll, but before you eat, did you pick up the vitamins on the counter?" Bucky asked, making me look at him

"Vitamins? What vitamins?" I asked so confused

"I may have gone to asgard and requested some asgard herbs, which turned out to be what you midgards calls vitamins for you, Lady Willow." Loki said politely, making me blush

"I'm sorry, i didn't see them. I would have picked them up if i saw them and knew they were for me." I said shyly

"That is no fault of yours, Lady Willow. I will assist you." Loki said, and in a puff of green smoke, the vitamins are next to my food

"Thank you, Loki." I said, smiling

"You're most certainly welcome, M'Lady. Anything for your baby to be healthy." He said, then continued to eat his breakfast while reading a book

"As i was saying. You so much as look or even breath in my flowers direction i will do more then allow Fury to kick you off the team Steve. I will allow him to freeze your ass again and make sure you never unfreeze." Tony said coldly

"Or better i will rip you apart piece by piece and let that whore of yours watch every minute of it. I do not want you to even be in the same room as my baby girl, but i know that is impossible, so let's just work on the no talking or breathing in my baby girls direction." Logan said, stepping off the elevator

"Good morning Logan, it's nice to see you join in with our little meeting." Natasha said, smirking at a now unconscious Sharon

"Tony." I whisper, tugging on his sleeve

"Yes, little flower?" He whispers, looking at me

"Did she really just faint hearing Logans threat." I asked, trying not to laugh

"Yes, she did, yes indeed." He said, smiling, making me laugh

"Now that is a sound i could get used to hearing in the morning. Good morning, my baby girl." Logan said, now standing behind me, making me squeak in surprise

"Good morning, l-logan." I said, blushing

"Wow, she squeaked and blushed. Logans already bring our willow back to how she used to be." Clint said, smiling

"Oh shut up, Clint. Go fall out a vent or something." I said, rolling my eyes

"Leave my vents out of this, you little puppy. My vents did nothing to you." Clint said, putting his hand over his heart

"They did do something to me because every time you are in the damn vents, you make so much noise that it sounds like you will fall out the vents with every movement." I said, rolling my eyes

"Oh, you didn't." He said point his breakfast knife at me

"Oh yes, she did." Tony and Natasha said, smiling

"That's it." He said, and he threw his knife at me

"Oh, you didn't." I mocked him while Logan caught the knife before it hit me

"Oh yes, i did." He said, smirking

"I think you should turn around." I said, pointing behind him

"Why would i need to - Oh shit." He said, turning around only to see Natasha now standing behind him, twirling a knife with her fingers

"I think you should run." Pietro said, pointing at Clint

"And run fast." Wanda said, finishing Pietros sentence

"I DONT WANT TO DIE!" Clint yells as he jumps out his seat and runs with Natasha close behind him



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