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Rick is holding Calvin in his arms as he has tears in his eyes. He can see a house in the distance, Rick runs as fast as his legs can carry him. Maggie Greene and Rosita Espinosa are sitting on the porch when Rosita sees Rick holding someone. When she looks closer she gasps staggering back looking at Maggie with sadness in her eyes, Maggie takes the binoculars and looks to see what she was looking at she turns around and runs into the house " DAD!!!!" So does Rosita "HERSHEL!!"

Rick reaches the house, panting heavily. Hershel walks out of the house along with Beth, Patricia, and Jimmy while Maggie and Rosita stay inside hugging each other with Maggie sobbing in Rosita's arms. Hershel Gasps as he sees who's in Rick's arms. " Calvin," " Was she bit?" he then asks." Shot by your man, " " get her inside. " They walk into the house. " Patricia, I need my full kit. Jimmy? Beth? painkillers, coagulates--- grab everything. " Hershel commands, and he then looks to Maggie and Rosita." Rosita, clean sheets, alcohol," he says sadly. Rosita looks at Calvin, then Maggie, in her arms, then lets her go to get the things Hershel asked for.


Hershel moves the sheets of the bed. " In here," Hershel tells Rick. He places her on the bed. " Pillowcase" Hershel lifts up Calvin's shirt. Rick moves forward, grabbing one of the pillowcases. " Fold it." Rick places the pillowcase on Calvin's wound. "Put pressure on the wound," Hershel says to Rick, who does so. Patricia hands him a stethoscope, he placed it in his ears, listening for Calvin's heartbeat.

Maggie, who still has tears streaming down her face and Rosita are watching from the doorway looking at Calvin's peaceful face even though they know when she wakes up it's not going to be peaceful. " I got a heartbeat. it's faint." Hershel says," He's got it, step back, " Patricia tells Rick. " Your name?" Rick" Rick, we're gonna do everything we can to save Calvin, okay? You need to give us some space. Now, " Hershel tells Rick, who looks at him confused as to how he knew Calvin's name since he never told him her name but waves it off. " Maggie, Rosita, go," Beth tells the two who gently grab Carl's arm, pulling him out of the room with Rick following.


Carl starts to sob, Rick kneels down, pulling him closer to him teas in his eyes. Rick looks to Maggie and Rosita and is about to ask something when " MOVE!!" Shane is heard shouting. All four of them look out the window towards the house. Rick walks outside, taking off his hat. " She alive? She alive? " Otis asks.

Rick doesn't say anything wiping his forehead with his hand, Calvin's blood is on his hands and now on his face and forehead. Shane walks closer to him, pulling a rag from the bag. He wipes the blood off Ricks face and forehead Rick, then takes the rag to clean his hands. " Where is she? She okay?" Rick just turns around and walks back in the house with Shane and Otis following. " You know her blood type?" Hershel asks." A positive same as mine, " Rick replies." That's good. Don't go too far, I'm gonna need you, " Hershel tells him." Lori doesn't know." No." "My wife doesn't know. My wife doesn't know, " Rick sobs out as Shane wraps his arms around him as he starts to cry.


Rick is sitting with Carl near the door. Rick looks down. " Why'd I let them come with us? I should've sent them back to Lori." Rick says to Shane but mostly to himself. Shane goes to say something when the door to the house opens. " Rick...." Beth trails off.


Hershel and Patricia are holding Calvin down on the bed who's awake crying and screaming out in pain " You hold her down" Hershel commands Shane and he rushes over grabbing Calvin's arms whilst Maggie, Rosita and Carl all have tears streaming down their face along with Maggie and Rosita flinching when she cries and screams out " DADDY!!!!!!" Calvin screams out.

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