One ❣️

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Mikes pov:
I was sitting on the couch hanging out with Lucas,Max and El Max was hungry and went to go get something to eat while she was walking back she tripped and fell off me she said "oh um sorry next time get out of my way" i said "ok?" And then El went to the bathroom while she was in the bathroom Lucas had to go also he was waiting out side out of the bathroom and El came out and they were so close it made me so jealous.
Maxs pov:
I was going to make my move on mike i was going to fall on him purposely and i did he didn't seem to care i sat back down and El went to go to the bathroom and I thought that since she went to the bathroom i could make another move but Lucas was there and he would not like that and he also had to go to the bathroom but El was in there so he had to stand out side the door and he would see me make a move on him.
Elevens pov:
i was sitting down next to mike my boyfriend and max went to get some food when she came back she tripped I could see that it was on purpose i new that she liked mike so I made a plan so when I was in  the bathroom she could not flirt with him I told Lucas to act like he was waiting to go to the bathroom and he said that they did not flirt.
Lucas's pov:i was just hanging out and max got some food but tripped when she came out I wasn't that jealous because i have a crush on El and El had to go to the bathroom and told me "stand out side the bathroom and make sure max doesn't flirt with Mike"i was confused because why would max flirt with mike but i did not care if they flirted I would be able to date El they did not flirt tho.

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