Chapter 7: Deadly Consequences

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He woke up in the Lab's medical wing.His eyes slowly opened as he groaned awake, rubbing his head to try and get rid of his headache.But he stopped when he saw that Elysia had fallen asleep in a chair next to him.Looking at the time, he found that it was midnight.What...hmm...

Alright so I went and found that girl in the desert, we teamed up against that woman with the horns and giant hands, I bested her and nearly cured her of her infection until that blue haired lady appeared, she nearly killed Eden and would have killed everyone if Kevin didn't come in at the last second, I fought her to buy Kevin time to get everyone out until I remembered that she could delete what the cable's touch, I sent Mei away towards where Kevin hopefully was, had an entire moment where I realized that I couldn't give up, used the blade and unleashed the power within despite it's connecting being with the Yamato which is really confusing since I thought the Yamato disappeared when it melded together with the blade and energy sword but apparently not, surprisingly fought with power that I never had before, froze up for a second time due to her abusing her change thingy, and she retreated while I blacked out mid-air... Jesus christ what did they put in my breadstick for me to do those things?

He thought long and hard about what happened before he blacked out...and then remembered that Kevin and Mei were still infected.So not only were the 13 Flame Chasers infected, but possibly other people as well.He wondered how much pain he would go through in the coming days if he wanted to cure everyone...and he also found it weird how he never saw anyone besides himself and Tyler who weren't infected.Overthinking the situation would cause him more pain based on his headache so he decided to leave those thoughts for later.In the corner of his eye he saw that Elysia was slowly waking up, so he tried to fake sleeping to see what would happen.

"...Glitch...why didn't you tell me you were going out? I could have gone with you..."

"Sure I would have probably died in the fight with that herrscher, and I can't imagine the mental stress that woman put on you by disguising as me..."

"But why...what do you know about her that I don't?..."

Oh we go with the waterworks...

"Have I been too forward with you? Are you trying to avoid me because of my flirting? Do you find me as the...weird one?"

wait what.

"You can't hear me...but I think I speak for everyone when I say this..."

She kissed him on the forehead.

"Thank you for all you've done to help us Glitch."


"I really wish I knew how to repay you for your assistance...but that's not really something I can think of..."

"It's more of something like Fu's or Aponia's territory, really..."

EUED I WHAY DIE SDN GOOD HEAVENS HOLY SHOCK SON OF A GLITCH FOCUS GLITCH FOCUS YOU NEED TO STAY DOWN OR ELSE SHE'LL CRY EVEN MOREElysia gave a small laugh, wiping the tears from her eyes, and went back to laying her head down on the medbay bed Glitch was on.

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