Part 1: Where it all started

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It's 2:48AM on a hot Monday night as Coop is lying in bed, staring at the ceiling trying to get himself to sleep; but there is one thing on his mind. Mangoes. All he can think about is the sweet and slightly sticky juice slowly trickling down his hands and dripping onto the floor.  That's all he wants.Fantasising about how he wants to aggressively rip open the smooth peel with shades varying from red to green as the fruity scent hits him. Eventually he snaps out of his dream and finds himself still in bed, without a mango. So obviously he's gonna try his best to obtain said fruit. Coop gets up out of bed and starts walking downstairs trying his hardest to not wake up Kenny or let Remer hear his mango muncher ass. (because remer is obviously gonna be awake at 3am are you fucking kidding that bitch is wide awake) Despite each step shrieking and screeching as he steps on them he manages to get down without falling down the stairs and walks into the kitchen. At this point he notices that they don't fucking have any mangoes because who keeps mangoes in their house UNPROVOKED? Not them. So at this point he thinks to himself "What the fuck do I do now? Do I just go back to bed and forget about it or do I go to the store? What am I thinking obviously the store I want my fucking mango i'm not a wuss even if I encounter creepy drunk guys I don't care they can kiss my ass." So that's what he does, he puts a jacket on and whatever shoes he sees first and walks to the store. After like 10 minutes of uneventful walking be gets there and bolts to the fruit aisle. Theres only one thing he's looking for and that's a mango.. duh?? He grabs like 8 mangoes and checks out. He gets home and into his bedroom. He places the mangoes in a circle and starts ripping them open one by one. The juice pouring through his fingers and all over him and his bed. He is so FUCKING STICKY. Despite the juice he still begins biting into the sweet fruit and he is in LOOOOVE. Clear tears begin streaming down his face almost like he is a window on a rainy day, the combination of sweat, tears and mango juice covering his face. His tongue wrapping around the large seed, he's about to ejaculate right there. This is the best thing to ever had happened to him. Joe stops for a second.. and then he fucking passes out. Just covered in mango juice like the fucking idiot he is.

fucking mango muncherWhere stories live. Discover now