~Stay-home date~

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Steven is chilling on his couch when he hears a knock on the door. He opens it and sees Peter, with a handful of lilies.

Steven: "Hey Peter. What brings you he-"

He is cut off when Peter kisses him and wraps his arms around him.

Peter: "Hi."

Steven turns really red.

Steven: "Uhh...come inside."

Peter hands Steven the flowers and hugs him.

Peter: "Your favorite!"

Steven: "Aww, thanks Peter."

Peter looks up at him.

Peter: "Did you get taller?"

Steven: "Bout' like an inch."

Peter mumbles something under his breath. Steven gets an idea and picks him up like a child.

Peter: "Put me down!"

Steven: "No one likes a mumbler!"

Peter: "...Pwease put me down~?"

Steven gets red and puts him down immediately.

Peter: "Simp."

Steven: "You don't have to remind me...shortie."

Peter gets mad and huffs with his arms crossed. Steven hugs him, making him squirm.

Steven: "Why so upset all of a sudden?"

Peter: "You called me short."

Steven: "Sorry.."

Peter immediately smiles.

Peter: "It's okay!"

Steven: "You're so cute."

Peter kisses him. Steven grabs Peter's hips and brings him closer.

Steven: "Really wanna start now?"

Peter: "That's up to you ba-..pal."

Steven: "I mean, I just woke up a few minutes ago."

Peter: "Where's the coffee pot?"

He walks to the kitchen and makes Steven a cup of coffee.

Peter: "Can we watch something?"

Steven: "I guess..what you in the mood for?"

Peter: "MLP!"

Steven chuckles and puts it on. About an hour later Peter falls asleep. Steven kisses him on the head and gets up.

Steven: '7:24..I know! I can make a dinner for us and then we can..watch a movie and finish the night with..ah-ha! Desert. I'm so cool.'

-hours later-

Steven finishes the final touches to the meal he's prepared and wakes up Peter.

Steven: "Peter~wakey wakey. I made dinner!"

Peter groans then perks up.

Peter: "Really?"

Steven nods then sets the coffee table.

-after dinner cuz im lazy UwU-

Peter: -yawn-

Steven kisses Peter and rests his head on him. Peter holds Steven's hand and just talks about something. Steven is half listening. About an hour later Steven stands up and stretches.

Peter: "Hey so..are we dating or..."

Steven: "I don't know, what do you think?"

Peter: "I love you a lot."

Steven: "I love you too."

Steven grabs Peter's hand and pulls him up. He grabs Peter's hips and holds him close.

Steven: "I love you so much I'd love to be your boyfriend."

Peter wraps his arms around Steven.

Peter: "Could you pick me up?"

Steven smiles and picks him up. He takes Peter to his room and puts him on the bed, then gets on top of him.

(brain cells go brt brt)

Steven: "Wanna have sex or just sleep?"

Peter: "Sleep sounds good right now.."

Steven: "Alrighty."

Steven cuddles Peter, who's fast asleep. He can't fall asleep though. He just lies awake, listening to the sound of Peter's breathing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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