Chapter 4: Complications Pt 2

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We stood in silence for a minute when we walked out to the parking lot.

"L-listen y/n you might see a different side of me when we go on adventures and-" I interrupted Rick.

"I get it," I said looking away

"T-then why are you acting like this?" Rick asked starting to sound frustrated.

"I grew up in a violent home, Rick. It just freaks me out when violence is so sudden like that." I replied finally turning my head to look at him.

Rick stepped closer to me and put a hand on my shoulder gently. "I'm sorry," he said locking eyes with me.

I smiled. "It's ok, I mean I can't be too upset that was pretty fucking hot," I said laughing off the sadness.

"Oh, you like that?" Rick grinned.

I gave him a smirk and crashed my lips onto his.

Ricks pov:

Relief and sensation filled me when y/n kissed me.

I'm glad she's not mad. I did act a little crazy back there.

I pulled away after a few minutes.

"I-I'm fucking starving, we should get back," I said as I pulled my portal gun out of my lab coat.


Y/N Pov:

The smiths were still sitting at the table waiting for us when Rick and I stepped through his green portal.

"Dinner is served" Rick announced placing the 3 pizza boxes on the table.

"Yay," Morty and Summer cheered simultaneously.

"Uhhh, Dad? What happened?" Beth asked finally acknowledging the alien blood Rick was covered in.

"Nothing for you to worry about, sweetie," Rick said almost being completely nonchalant.

"Dad, how can we trust you alone with the kids next week if you can't even tell us what happened to you?" Beth angrily asked clenching the glass of wine in her hand.

"Fine, an alien was about to attack y/n and I had to fight him off. H-happy?" Rick mumbled in a frustrated tone lying to them all.

"Oh, gosh Dad I'm so sorry. I'm so glad you two are safe" Beth said apologetically.

"It's ok p*burp*pumpkin," Rick said standing up out of his chair. He walked into the garage closing the door behind him.

Ricks pov:

I walked over to my workbench and sat down in my stool.

Time to get shit done especially since Summer is probably throwing a party when Beth and Jerry leave next week. I thought to myself while grabbing my tools.

As I started working I couldn't get something out of my head since y/n and I left the store. Why didn't she question my portal gun and the universe I've shown her? It's odd no questions asked.

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