Chapter 3: The Flame of Connection

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Amidst the intensity of battle, a lull finally came, granting Muichiro and Nezuko a moment to catch their breath. They found themselves standing back to back, their eyes meeting in a moment of respite.

"You fight with incredible strength, Nezuko," Muichiro remarked, his voice filled with admiration. "Your loyalty to your brother is commendable."

Nezuko's lips curled into a determined smile. "Tanjiro is my family, and I will protect him with my life. Just as you protect those who are suffering."

Muichiro nodded, a spark of understanding passing between them. "We share the same goal, Nezuko. To bring an end to this reign of darkness and protect the innocent. Together, we can be stronger."

As they conversed, their bond grew stronger, fueled by shared experiences and an unspoken understanding. The flickering flames of their resolve seemed to intertwine, merging into a unified force against the demons that plagued their world. In that moment, Muichiro realized that this connection went beyond friendship—it was the birth of something deeper, something he couldn't quite put into words.

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