Pt 8

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Thank you for all for the love so far!! You guys are such gems and I appreciate each and everyone of you<3

I stood with him in the shower a little longer. Tom looked at my head and told me everything was all clean. I turned off the water and Tom held my hand as I stepped out of the shower. I grabbed a towel and covered my body with it. I sat down on the toilet even though I didn't have to go it's just because I was tired and wanted to sit down. Tom got out of the shower and looked over at me for a moment. He wrapped a towel around his waist while I just sat and watched. Tom started brushing his teeth. He handed me my toothbrush with toothpaste on it and told me to brush my teeth too. I sat there brushing my teeth the best I could but it was hard because I still felt a little tipsy. Tom reached out for my hand and I grabbed onto it so I could get up and spit the toothpaste out. Tom let go of my hand and held my hair out of the way for me. Once I was done I dropped my towel and Tom looked over at me. I walked out of the bathroom and over to the bed. Not long after Tom followed behind. I didn't get under the covers I just laid on top of the bed.
"Do you want to put something on like a shirt y/n?" Tom asked
"No thanks" I said sighing feeling so tired
"Do you want me to put you under the covers?" He asked
"No i just want to go to sleep." I told him yawning
"Okay then goodnight y/n." Tom said "Goodnight." I told him
"I love you." He said
"I love you too." I whispered
A few minutes later I felt Tom climb into bed. He got under the covers and I felt his eyes on me but I was too sleepy to open my own eyes. I fell asleep not long after that.
   I woke up with my head hurting and naked on the bed. Tom wasn't next to me. I looked at the clock and it was 10 AM. I covered myself with a t-shirt I found on the floor and looked around the room. Tom was nowhere to be found. That was weird but I was more concerned with my headache. I walked into the bathroom and grabbed some Advil. My face was puffy and my eyes were dry. My heart was still hurting a bit because of what happened yesterday but I tried not to let it take up so much space in my mind. I looked at the cut on my head and sighed. I walked back into the room and grabbed some actual clothes. I put my pants and top on and went back into the bathroom to do my hair and makeup. When I finished getting myself together I was waiting in the room for about 20 more minutes but Tom still didn't come back. I grabbed my room key and walked out of the room over to see if Bill was there. I knocked three times and he didn't answer. I was very confused so I just walked back over to our room across the hall. I sat on the bed and turned on the tv and just waited. An hour passed and I finally heard Tom and Bill from outside the door. Tom opened the door and walked into the room with flowers. He smiled when he saw me and I gave a little half smile.
    "Sorry we were gone so long I tried calling you but you didn't pick up. I got these flowers for you." Tom said walking towards me
"Where did you go?" I asked him
    "Bill and I went to the store. I tried to wake you up but you wanted to keep sleeping." Tom said
Tom handed me the flowers and I said thank you. I think he wanted a bigger reaction out of me but flowers aren't going to win me over that easily. I did smell the roses though and they smelled really good. Tom already placed them in a vase so I walked up and put them on the counter when I saw a tiny jewelry box on the table. I looked over to Tom and he was standing by the wall with a nervous smile. My mind got excited when I saw the box but my heart was hesitant.
"You know you can't win me over with flowers and jewelry." I say trying not to smile
    "Open it." Tom says
   I look at him for a second and shake my head when I grab it. I open it up and it's earrings. They look like diamonds and they are pretty big. They are beautiful but I'm not dumb I know he is just trying to buy me back.
"Oh wowww" I say trying to sounds a little enthusiastic
    "Do you not like them?" Tom asks worried
"It's not that I don't like them." I say looking down at them
    "Then what is it?" He sounds confused
"I just don't want you to think buying things for me is going to fix everything." I say looking up at him
"I know it won't fix it but I think it will help at the very least." Tom says smiling
I just rolled my eyes at him and then smiled a little. Tom walked closer to me and looked at the earrings. He smiled at them and then looks at me and smiles.
"Thank you." I tell him grinning a little
Tom just stares at me with a little smile. I can't help but notice how his eyes look at me. It's like his eyes have a smile it's the only way to describe it.
"Can I put them on you?" Tom asks sweetly
   I probably shouldn't let him but I miss his touch. I miss having him close to me. It hasn't even been a full day but I'm so used to having him all over me. I wanted to say no but I couldn't.
"If you want to you can." I tell him
   Tom smiled and got really close to me. My heart started beating really fast. Tom takes the box from my hand. He grabs one of the earrings and gently moves my hair behind my ear but his hand lingered down my shoulder a little bit. He got even closer to me and I could feel his breath on my neck. He got the earring in but just stayed close to me for a second so I just looked up him. When I looked at him Tom snapped out of it and stood up and grabbed the other earring. He walked around to the other side of me and I turned towards him in my seat. Tom got the earring and crouched down to be level with me. I turned my head and he got my hair out of the way again and then put the other earring in. He moved back a little to see the how the earrings looked. He didn't say anything but he just smiled. I watched his face and tried to see what he was thinking but then I saw him look at my lips and his smile turned into a more serious face. I know what that means. I wanted to feel his lips against mine but I couldn't get myself to actually kiss him. I looked at his lips for a moment too. I quickly moved my focus back to his eyes and he just smiled a little again and then stood up but I followed him with my eyes.
    "Do you want to go see what they look like on?" Tom asks me
   I got up and slowly walked over to the bathroom. Tom didn't follow me into the bathroom but I felt his eyes on me as I walked in. I got inside the bathroom and leaned over the counter a bit to get the closest look I could. Wow they look really pretty I thought to myself. I looked at myself in the mirror for a minute and then got kind of sad. I sighed and then walked out of the bathroom.
    "Do you like them y/n?" Tom asks smiling
"Yeah they are very pretty." I said with a sigh following
   I walked over to the bed and Toms eyes followed me around the room. Tom asked me what I wanted to do today and I told him I didn't know. My headache was finally going away a little bit. We only have a few more days here so I figure we should go do something.
    "I know you're probably hungry since you haven't ate in awhile do you want to go get something?" Tom asks
"Sure I'm a little hungry." I tell him
   I get up and put some sunglasses on and walk towards the door. Tom follows behind me. We walk over to Bills room and I knock on it and he opens the door. He looks really happy to see me. I ask him if he wants to get food and he agrees and leaves his room. We walk down to the lobby get in the car and leave. We get to the restaurant and sit down and eat. It felt good to have some food in me. It was a little awkward but I mostly just talked with Bill. We finished our food and got up to leave. When we got outside there were fans and paparazzi everywhere. I don't know how they knew where we were but they were swarmed around and it made me nervous. Before I knew it I felt Toms hand grip onto mine and I just looked at him for a split second. Tom held onto my hand tightly and started walking me through the crowd. I know if there weren't all these people around I probably wouldn't hold his hand back but it felt good. Before I knew it we were back in the car but it got surrounded by fans so we couldn't really move. I just looked around out the window as I saw people banging on it. Slowly we started moving and then we were able to get away.
"Oh my gosh do you guys want to play a game when we get back???" Bill said excitedly
"What kind of game?" I asked him
"I got a deck of cards at the store earlier so we can play a whole bunch of different things!" Bill says
"Sure." I tell him smiling
We get back to the hotel and Bill goes into his room for a second and then comes out and follows us into our room. We all sit down at the table and play games together. Tom kept staring at me and I would glance over at him but when I glanced away he would still keep his eyes on me. We played another game and Bill won and then did a little dance in his seat which made me laugh. It felt good to finally laugh because everything has been so heavy recently. After a few more rounds Bill collected all the cards and put them away.
"Well that was fun! I'm going to go meet up with a friend now though so I'll catch up with you guys later!" Bill said getting up
I got nervous when Bill got up to leave though because Tom hasn't kept his eyes off me the whole time we have been in the room. He would only look away from me to put his card down for the game but the rest of the time it was like he was studying me. I gave Bill a hug and then walked with him over to the door. Bill gave me a funny look like he was trying to say good luck. I closed the door and stood there for a second before I turned about back by Tom. I looked at him.
"Why are you staring at me?" I asked him
"I just want you." Tom says licking his lips

Will y/n give into Tom? What will happen next? Find out soon!! Love you xoxo

NOT LIKE THE REST PT.2 x TOM KAULITZ & y/nDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora