The colourless poem

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Tragedy of "I", the tired mind

I'm not feeling myself lately,
Or maybe I'm overfeeling.
I'm feeling barely,
Though not quite numbness.
A rising self awerness,
Of my mind not being in wellness.
I'm confused,
If it's any use.
I'm just hurting myself,
For what reason I cannot tell.
So please join the queue.
Tell me I've no clue.
For my being depressed
Is meaningless.
For what reason should I be feeling this way?
It's just my mind standing standing in the way.
"It's all in your head".
Does it ring a bell?

Tell me I'm just licking my wounds.
Hurt me more, cause I haven't critisized myself enough.
Just wounds on wounds.
Hurt me more, tell me I'm just tearing them up.

Tell me I can't heal,
Cause I don't love me.

And for what reason
Would the "I" let
Its own tears be wiped
When the "me" isn't loved by the "I"?

Tell me I'm just tired,
So I can rest my head.

Tell me it's just all in my mind,
And give the "me" a hug.
So that the "I" can say:
I'm not unloveable after all.

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