One Too Many Cookies (Jones x Alessia)

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Jones' POV

Ever since Alessia's cousin, Armand Dupont, died, she's... changed. She's become a different person. I guess grief does that to people. She's sadder, cries almost constantly, and sometimes, it's almost like she's bipolar. I'm not saying that she's gone crazy... Alessia's mood just flip-flops sometimes. Sometimes she throws herself into doing something or always has to keep herself busy. Other times, she can't bring herself to do anything, and when she gets like this, she won't even get out of bed. The crying is the worst when she's in a dark mood like that, it's a heavy sob that shakes her whole body. I don't exactly know how to help her, I haven't exactly been on this side of losing someone, I'm usually the one being comforted for my own loss, but I at least know how she feels. I try to help her the best that I can. It's sort of like treating her like I wanted to be treated when I lost... Zoe. I've been at her side every waking second of the day for the past two months. I've given her every hug, every kiss, every ounce of affection she's ever asked for. My kindness goes beyond my thoughts and affection toward her. I do whatever she wants and needs me to. I've held her when she cries and I've been making sure that she's taken care of.

Although, I must admit, even though this is going to be hard for me to admit, I'm not sure I've been doing a good job with that. Maybe I've been too nice to her? Maybe I've been giving in to her too much? I... I haven't even looked into possibly getting her therapy... but I don't want to just throw her into that, she should be ready before that. I guess what this all boils down to is that I'm worried about her. I mean, Alessia hasn't left the house in weeks, she's been stubborn in not leaving, but I think I'm slowly warming her up to leaving for a bit. Well... that might be the second biggest concern. And I don't mean what I'm about to say in a mean way, I'm just trying to be honest in the nicest way possible. When I mentioned that Alessia has changed, I don't mean just in a mental or emotional way.

She has changed physically too. Alessia has developed this... habit I've noticed. When it first started to happen, I just thought it was a comfort-in-the-moment thing. But now, I'm not sure that it is. I like to eat, probably a lot more than most people, and I'm probably what people might call a foodie. That's one of the reasons I fell in love with Alessia so quickly. She loves food just as much as I do. Of course, she's always had her limits and moderation so she can stay slim and slender... but... I think that might have gone out the window when Armand passed. I've always known that emotional eating is a thing, hell, I'm sure that I've done it myself, but nowhere near to what she's done. Whenever she gets extremely upset, she'll find something to eat or snack on. It isn't exactly the best thing for her to be eating either. It's usually stuff with high fatty stuff in it, high carbs, lots of calories, or sweets. She has a particular penchant for sweets.

And I can see the effects that it has had on her. I repeat I don't hate her or mean anything bad by what I'm going to say, and I don't mind the changes, I like how she looks no matter what, but I'm just worried that she is taking this too far. I'm procrastinating on saying it. Alessia has... put on some weight. It was obviously going to happen due to the snacking, sweets, and all of the eating with her not doing anything to work it off. If you saw a picture of her before the whole funeral fiasco, you probably couldn't recognize her.

Alessia's always had a rounded face and chin, but it has rounded out more. Instead of being a bit of an oval shape, it's now more circular and rounded. Her face is chubbier and she now has a double chin. It's just not her face that has rounded. Her whole body has plumped up. Alessia's arms and thighs have gotten thicker. Her buttocks has... widened substantially. She sure does take up more room on the couch with those. Her breasts have also gotten bigger with the weight she's gained, I can see the bigger outline in the clothes she still manages to squeeze into. The part of her body that has changed the most is her belly. It's softened and widened. It hangs over the waistband of her pants and it now peeks out of any shirt she wears. She's also got love handles now.

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