Chapter Six

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(Y/N)'s POV

After a few hours of playing Sonic Frontiers, the girls enjoyed playing the game but Neera had a hard time playing as Super Sonic I helped her by teaching her the parry mechanic and the different skills Sonic could unlock and she understood what I was telling her.

Neera: Thank you (Y/N).

(Y/N): No problem Neera, everyone needs help from time to time.

I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I looked at it and my mood instantly soured.

[Your Face Right Now]

Milla: *Worried* (Y/N), are you okay?

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Milla: *Worried* (Y/N), are you okay?

(Y/N): *Pretending To Be Calm* Yeah, I'm fine.

Carol: But you look like...

Lilac: Like you're about to kill someone.

(Y/N): Let's say that I feel like want to.


(Y/N) walked to his room leaving the girls confused until Miku walked in and noticed the atmosphere.

Miku: Where's (Y/N)?

Neera: He's in his room after he got a message and was mad when he read it.

Miku: Oh my god, his ex-girlfriend must've messaged him to try to get back together with him.

Lilac/Neera/Carol/Milla/Corazon: *Shouting* HIS EX-GIRLFRIEND?!?!

Miku: He didn't tell you? Well, he did have a girlfriend but she cheated on him with his bully.

Lilac and her friends were shocked to hear that (Y/N)'s girlfriend cheated on him and had angry expressions on their faces and Miku noticed it.

Miku: If I were you girls, I would tell (Y/N) how I feel.

Lilac: *Sighs* We know... But what if he rejects us?

Miku: He won't trust me. Besides he really likes you girls.

Milla: Are you really sure?

Miku: I'm sure.

Lilac got up and walked to (Y/N)'s room to find him sitting on the floor.

Lilac got up and walked to (Y/N)'s room to find him sitting on the floor

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