!shy! Onceler x !Gleeful! Reader

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The bright rays of sunshine showered down upon me, making my freshly washed hair glisten, and my shimmery eyeshadow shine. I took a breath in, enjoying the sensation of the cool air entering my lungs. I looked up at the sky, placing my hand on my forehead to block the sunlight from my eyes. The sky was pure blue, with not a single cloud in sight

'What a gorgeous day!' I dreamt, happily skipping around the sharp, green blades of grass.

As I danced around the field in ecstasy, I noticed something in the distance that reminded me of a dandelion, except, pink. Suddenly, I was intrigued by the incredible sight in the distance and began to run over to it.

As I huffed and puffed, I considered all of the many possibilities of what it could be. 'A weird-looking building? An extremely hyperrealistic painting?"

Once I had reached my destination, I stared up at the object in awe. "A Truffula tree!" I announced enthusiastically. "I haven't seen one of these in years!"

I carefully placed my hand on the thin trunk. It wasn't completely smooth, but definitely less rough than most other trees.

With a satisfactory laugh, I grasped the tree tightly with one hand and began to swing around it. I knew I looked like a child, but I was okay with that, for I was in paradise.

"Ahh..." I breathed out, deciding that I was done with my mini carnival ride, but just as I was about to turn back, I noticed something ahead. 'Another tree?' I ran to the other plant in the distance, except this one was orange.

I jumped as soon as I reached the other one. 'How beautiful!' I excitedly mused, but before I could enjoy it, I noticed three other trees!

"Well, isn't today my lucky day!" I gasped, tired out from running from tree to tree. After a moment of admiration for the natural beauty surrounding me, I noticed something in the corner of my eye.

As I turned around slightly, my jaw dropped open. "A... Whole forest of them!" I proclaimed in astonishment. Joyful, I sprinted over to the wood, jubilant memories flooding my brain as I ran.

I continued to scamper around when I reached the colorful thicket, hopping from tree to tree in amazement. Abruptly, though, I stopped, for I heard a noise in the distance.

"Ngh! Ngh! Ughh..." An unfamiliar voice whined. I followed the noises quietly and slowly to avoid startling whoever it was.

As the noise got louder, I hid behind plants to avoid drawing any attention to myself. Quickly, I jumped behind a bush, still analyzing the voice in my head.

"C'mon, ngh!" I heard someone mutter again, this time much much closer. I peeked over the bush, and much to my surprise, I saw a slender, young-looking man, with black hair and Sky blue eyes who stood atop two buckets beside a Truffula tree. He seemed to be reaching for the tufts.

I noticed how the buckets under him were beginning to shake rapidly. "Woah!" He yelped, desperately trying to keep his balance, but it was no use.

"Ack!" He shouted as he came in contact with the nutrient ground, his back hitting the floor first. With a frustrated sigh, he heaved himself up in a sitting position. A pout grew on his face as he picked up a small notepad that had been sitting on the floor, and began to write. 'Awe!!' I conceived as my cheeks grew pink and warm in utmost attraction.

'I should talk to him!' I joyfully mused, excited about meeting someone new. With a rustle, I emerged from the bushes, each step leading me closer to the mysterious boy.

The young man didn't notice me coming forward, for he was too immersed in his writing to pay attention to anything else.

Once I had gotten close to him, I kneeled to meet eye to eye. He looked up at me and did a double take, surprised.

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