Running an Errand

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Class is over, you decide to head towards the library when you spot your homeroom teacher walking towards you with a smile that does not emit good vibes planted onto his face.

"Y/N! Hooold your horses kid! Could I ask ya' to do a little something for me? Mr. David asked me to collect some books but it jus' so happens I have some stuff to do ya know?"

My homeroom teacher (also my uncle..) is somehow always asking me out of all people to run his errands, why? Maybe because he favors my brother over me.

"Sorry sir, I think I'll pass.. I'm also busy right now hahahaha..."

He looked at me puzzled, as if it's abnormal for me to actually be doing something worthwhile, ouch!

"Help your teach out yeah? Ya can do it quick, easy-peasy; even for you! I'll give you some pocket money if ya' can do this for me kid."

".. How many books..?"

"Knew you could do it kid! About 10 books, don't worry about it! Ya just gotta get some overdue books from some of the students, and deliver em' to the library! See, ea--"

"Easy peasy, lemon squeezy, yeah sure.. I'll do it, no sweat."

"Alright! Tell me when you finished! I'll be in the gym class, or something, somewhere around there, catch you later kid!"

He basically bolted past me, after agreeing I went off to quickly finish this errand.


This is.. So. much. more exhausting than I thought. A lot of the people who were going to return books had either somehow forgotten where they put it or a friend had borrowed it. I had to go up and down the stairs just to gather these dang books.

But after I managed to collect a total of 18 books, I went straight to the library.

You begun begrudgingly walking towards the library holding a stack of books, cursing out your uncle who thought you would be the perfect pick for this despite knowing how bad you were in P.E.

"God.. These are so heavy!" You say whilst dropping the stack on top of the librarians table. The librarian looks at you with an annoyed look.

"C-could you have b-been any slower? It's been 30 minutes s-since I've r-requested these."

What? Seriously? Sure, I took while, but collecting these books ain't easy. I had to go up and down flights of stairs just for these books!

"Huh.. Oh, uh I'm sorry. A lot of the people returning the books misplaced them so I had to go searching.."

"O-okay, but n-next time, don't be so s-slow, tsk."

He picks up the books from the table. Jeez, can he be any meaner?

Anyhow, after managing all that, I quietly walked to the fiction section of the library.

Fiction is one of my favorite genres after all, I like to imagine how I would act in those scenarios.

Suddenly, I hear a faint humming from behind the bookshelves. I bent over a bit to check it out.

As soon as I looked over, I saw some guy sitting on the ground reading something.

Someone's reading in the library. What a surprise. I stared at him for a while, which admittedly is quite creepy..

He gazed slightly down at the book, the warm light from the window hitting his delicate face, his brown fluffy hair which lightly covered his hazel eyes--- In short he was quite the looker.

Sh$t what am I thinking about? I just have to get the third book of 'Lies of the Damned' and then I'm out of here.

I sighed and then silently walked towards the bookshelf and grabbed the book I was originally coming here for,

Everything seemed to be going well.. Until I accidentally dropped the book.

With a loud thump, it startled both me and the other guy reading,


He looked at me with his droopy eyes and we awkwardly locked gazes for a few seconds.

".. you read that as well?"

He picked up the book on the floor, and lent it to me. I nervously took the book from his hand and nodded slightly,

"Oh, thank you.. And uh yeah, I wouldn't be grabbing it if I didn't.. It's a favorite of mine."

".. I see, can you um.. Maybe tell me about it, the cover looks interesting."

Wow, I'm surprised anyone would actually be the slightest bit interested in this. Actually no, what am I saying? This book is pretty popular.

"You interested? Sure, it's about this guy called Damien searching for his brother beyond the afterlife, and basically he's......."

I spent the few remaining minutes I had before class, talking about the book, he seemed really invested in the story so I told him I could give em' the first copy of the book.

"I'll lend it to you for a days, you better not scratch it I swear.."

"I won't, I won't.. Don't worry. I take good care of my books.."

While we we're talking, I caught him smiling a bit and I thought he looked quite cute.

"Smile a bit more, you look good with a smile on your face.."

He chuckled and told me to screw off, I mocked him a bit and he rolled his eyes. I saw him off and walked out of the library,


Shit, I forgot to catch his name!

When I went back to ask him, he was already gone, all that was there was a piece of paper with what I presume is his number and a small penguin doodle at the bottom.

It read;

It read;

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so stupid.." I smiled and walked towards the exit while gently sliding the note into my pocket, making sure it didn't crumple or tear.

Maybe I should ask my uncle if he knows any Daniels.

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