Chapter 29: Fragrant Pancakes - Xiao Qingming's Transformation...

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Regarding the tael measurement, if I use an online converter, 1 tael is approximately 37.51 grams. But I just saw on Wikipedia that 1 Chinese tael is approximately 50 grams. I'll stick to the 50 grams from now on for ease of conversion


Ji Wan'er had a wonderfully comfortable sleep. When she woke up, she felt refreshed. Her arms were no longer sore, and her shoulders no longer ached.

As she got up, she suddenly remembered: When did she fall asleep? It seemed that Xiao Qingming had been massaging her shoulders before she fell asleep. So, did she fall asleep while Xiao Qingming was massaging her shoulders? It must have been Xiao Qingming who put her on the bed.

She didn't know what happened to Xiao Qingming today that made him suddenly decide to massage her shoulders.

After thinking about it for a while without finding an answer, Ji Wan'er smiled. Whatever the reason, it was a good thing for her, wasn't it?

Seeing that it was almost noon and recalling what Nanny Dong had said earlier, Ji Wan'er decided to have something different for her meal today.

She first scooped a few spoonfuls of flour and added a pinch of salt. Then she started kneading the dough. She added some hot water and stirred, then added some cold water and continued to stir. Finally, she kneaded the dough until it became a smooth and soft ball, which she set aside to let it rise.

While waiting, she chopped some scallions, ginger, and garlic. She took another bowl and added fermented soybean paste and some seasonings. She heated the pan, poured in some oil, and when it was hot, she added the chopped scallions, ginger, and garlic, followed by the prepared sauce.

Before stir-frying, the sauce had a raw bean smell, but after stir-frying, a fragrant aroma filled the air.

Zi An came running with a chicken feather duster in his hand. He sniffed the air and said, "It smells so good, sister-in-law. What are we having for lunch?"

Ji Wan'er smiled and said, "How about pancakes?"

Zi An nodded eagerly, "Great!"

Yun Shuang had been embroidering all this time and didn't know that Ji Wan'er was cooking. Now she hurried over as well.

"You can continue with what you're doing. The dough needs some time to rise, so you don't need to help right now."

Yun Shuang seemed not to have heard and walked into the kitchen, sitting on a small stool to start the fire.

Ji Wan'er was slightly surprised. What happened to Yun Shuang today?

Ever since she heard Nanny Dong's words, Yun Shuang had been extremely anxious. Although her sister-in-law had treated her and her younger brother poorly before, now her sister-in-law was exceptionally kind. She liked her sister-in-law and didn't want her to leave her brother. She hoped to do more things to make her sister-in-law reluctant to go.

After stir-frying the sauce, Ji Wan'er pulled out some weeds from the vegetable garden. Seeing that the time was about right, she returned to the kitchen and took out the risen dough, placing it on the cutting board.

She brushed oil on the cutting board and rolled the dough thinly, spreading a layer of oil dough made with oil and flour on top. Then she folded the dough and rolled it into a thin pancake.

She heated the pan, brushed a layer of oil in it, and gently placed the pancake inside, flattening it.

Unfortunately, they didn't have a flat-bottomed pan at home, so she had to choose the relatively flat one among the two pans.

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