34. For Better or Worse

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Part 4: The Endgame

Chapter 34: For Better Or Worse

A knight popped up from behind the parapet wall and overlooked the front yard of the great Purvachand's palace.

The persistent snowfall, the belligerent rain, and the fire-breathing creatures - the situation of this highly sophisticated province was no different from the rest of the country. The only difference was that the knights were being imposed to work round the clock, every single day and night. This unethical, reckless decision of the Chief Minister seemed to have endangered the lives of the knights for working intensively even in such cramped conditions.

Knights were knights, after all. Hardy, courageous and faithful. They were in some ways like us, like the Samagraha, keeping their lives on the line for the safety of the civilians, especially for the Kings and the Chief Minister. Perhaps their lives were shoddier, speaking frankly since they possessed the status of the High Clan, yet they were treated like insects. Not to mention, they were also able-bodied normal humans. Once they die, they die and were immediately replaced, unlike us. Their lives, well, insignificant. Their families, much more insignificant. All benefits and severance pay forfeited. Only the Chief Minister of this advanced and efficient province, defined within an increasingly bureaucratic culture was highly regarded authoritarian and a ruthless tyrant ruling by force and intimidation. It was always about his economy, his growth, and his damn political and uncooperative mind, that was all that mattered.

Political intelligence in Paramarashtra added an additional layer. It was only a business founded on secrecy and double-crossing. I'd learned that from the Chief Minister even though entertaining myself with such cheap ideology was against my conscious. Having said that, it should be fun seeing the scammer getting scammed. I recalled the way he resorted to a hard bargain tactic during my first meeting as a King in Panchayat. His devious behavior to try to get the upper hand in the negotiation...I clenched my fists tightly and dug nails into my skin to deter myself from the mounting temper. I could chalk up that incident to inexperience on my side over malice, but the effects of the breach of trust were extended to the safety of the country itself. That was unacceptable to me.

Come out now, already. Come out now.

Purvachand's only palace was a stunning mansion covered mainly in off-white natural stones adorned with French-style windows. Artistic lanterns flooded the exterior with natural vibrancy. Every movement of the knights guarding the palace displayed vast strength and a sense of following the schedule. I was here, uninvited and without an appointment. The Chief Minister was supposed to depart for some business dealing, right? That was what 'my source' had informed me. He should be coming out of his palace any moment now.

"The information you've received is right, right?" Celina asked, stretching out her sore and knotted muscles. An hour of rest was sufficient after her battle with Agnidaanav and she had gathered enough strength to accompany me to Purvachand.

"Yes," I replied. "I do not doubt it."

"He is late though," Celina complained, her voice a high-pitched whisper against the pitter-patter of the rain. "We could have burned Shashi's body by now. Hayden, Tyrell's been freaking out. He worries that any sort of delay may only cause more trouble."

I raised a brow. "Didn't we discuss that High King's presence is important while we bit the body to dust?"

"Then we should be in Panchayat right now."

"And miss the golden opportunity of meeting my beloved Chief Minister?"

"Urgh!" She said, scratching her head. "What if Shashi figures his tomb is missing? He could still shift, right? What if he latches onto someone's body before we burn and never know who it is?"

(Book 6) Hayden Mackay and The Third-Eye of the PancharatnaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon