The mall

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" cause I'll be taking it off of you.." His words still linger in your mind. I-i can't believe it dally win- , a voice stops you. " um hello?" You look up, oh! It's pony and Johnny! " A-are you okay?" Johnny says studdering. " Yeah I'm fine!" You say smiling. You put your arms around pony and Johnny. " let's go to the car!" You start walking with them unknowing that both of there faces are glowing red." There you guys are!" Says soda. " Sorry guys but you gotta all sit in the back of the pickup truck, not enough room." You all climb in, and ofc your in the middle. " Here we go!" Soda yells. As soon as the car starts moving, you guys as well . We hit every bump possible. We all just bumping into each other,apologizing. Until one big bump. I go flying into ponyboys lap. I land in his lap and immediately get up and apologize, my face is so red but his is even redder. "I'm so sorry!" " no no your okay, I don't mind.." I just laugh it off and look over at Johnny, he kinda looks mad. He says, " come on guys let's just try to stay still." You sit back into the position and ponyboy and Johnny hold onto the sides as you hold on to them. Johnny gives pony boy a smug look and grabs your inner thigh, but he apologizes and says it was an accident. Pony gives him a dirty look and grabs my arm," hold on to me! I'll make sure you don't fly off." Johnny grabs my arm too, " no ill make sure your really secure." I just sit there, blushing.
15 minutes later..
" Were here!!" Soda says getting out of the driver's seat. You walk to get out but Dallas offers his hand to help you get down , you go to grab his hand but he just grabs your waist and puts you down at the ground. You get so many butterflies. You just try to brush it off and say, " who's excited!!" Two-butt runs to you and puts his arm around you, " let's go!" For some reason, Steve , soda, and the rest of the gang gives him a dirty look. You and two butt just walk with your arms together laughing. You finally enter the mall with the gang and look at the old time store. Omg, this looks kinda ghetto but it don't matter, your being paid for!! You see a store that to this day you still go to, " oh my God, Lets go there!" You let go of TWO butt and walk into target! You look around at how target used to be. This is so cool! You see all the outfits and you see the cute bathing suits!! " omg these are so cute!" The boys all look at the bathing suits, you look at how alot of them aren't even bikinis.You find some that are cute but there not that cute. You finally find a cute pink bikini but it's a little small. " hey guys what do you think about this one?" They all just kind of stare at you . "Um sorry miss but wouldn't you like one that's not so showey" Darry says. " Darry your over thinking it, I think you would look gorgeous in it!" Soda says. Dally walks up to you. " yeah... you would good in this." He eyes you up and down and smacks your butt. You look at him a little shocked, backing away." Dally, that is not the way you touch a young lady!" Darry says. Dally gives an annoyed look," cmon man, she doesn't look that young, how old are you anyway?" " oh I'm just 17! But I turn 18 on June 23rd!" The guys just kinda stare you. " Y-your 17??"pony says. " yeah?" They all just stare at you, until you break the silence. Well I'm gonna go try on these bathing suits! You run into the dressing room and start trying them on. Ugh none of these look cute! I mean it's summer after all, I need a swimming suit! You put on the bikini thats kinda cute. Hmm this is okay i guess. You walk out and show off your bathing suit. "ooo , look at you" Steve says " love it!" Soda says two bit rushes over to you "oh my God, I couldn't imagine you getting more beautiful but here you are" Darry just gives you a thumbs up. Pony and Johnny stay silent and Dallas is gone? You go to change again. You take your swimsuit off and somebody comes into the stall. " H-hey!" You cover your body. And see nobody. " huh? I guess nobody's there" Then all of a sudden, somebody behind you wraps there arms around you. You let out a tiny scream but somebody Covers your mouth. You turn around and see Dallas. " what are you doing? You say trying to cover your body since your yk naked. He pulls you in by the waist, " I want you" He kisses you passionately. You don't know what to do. You want to put some clothes on but it's Dallas winston. You just go with it. You two start making out, he keeps brining you in closer and closer. You can feel his budlge. Your heart is pounding. He finally stops and looks you up and down. "Your so fucking sexy" he starts unbuckling his pants. " w-wait, I'm sorry but i can't" you push him out side of the dressing room. You don't know what the guys did but all you know is when you walked out, Dally had a bloody nose. You walk around the mall for a couple hours and go to every store, at the same time Dallas still hasn't said anything. " man, I'm hungry" Steve says " I could eat!" You say proudly. You all get something and sit down. You notice everybody's fighting for who sits next to you and finally its Steve and soda. You all sit down and start eating. Your eating a burger. Steve grabs your chin and turns you to look at him, " you got something on your face" He wipes it off for you. Your heart starts beating faster. You start thinking," man what if I have to choose one of these man one day, they are all so fine, and does it mean I'm dating dally cause we... made out, I mean he was my first kiss." Mid thought you don't even realize it yet, but you dropped your fork. You go down to pick it up but somebody under the table is picking it up. You both bump heads and see that it's pony."oh sorry!!" You say. As he hands you the fork he notices something in hair, he picks it out for you and your just staring at each other. This tension is killing you. It feels you have been down here forever. Pony then puts his hands on your face and pulls you in and kisses you. He immediately just realized what he has done. " i-im so sorry, I didn't realize what I was-" you can't help yourself, he's just so handsome. This time you pull him in and kiss him . You smile at him and go back up. You just go back to eating your burger and you can feel pony staring at you.
10 minutes later
Omg that burger was so goodd!! They don't make it like that now adays.when you guys are done eating you get up and tell them your going to the bathroom and not to get worried. You use the bathroom and walk out. You pull out your phone and bump into bob. (Oh no not him ,shit what am I going to do?) He says "oh it's you again." In a annoyed voice. You try to walk passed him like you don't know who is his but he grabs by the hand and pulls you close and whispers "I know your hanging out with the greaser, I get you back one way or other." You push him back and say "ew I would never want you ! get your dirty ass away from me." You start to run away and tears roll down your face as you run back to the boys. All the boys notice and asked what happened but you need a minute. after you compose yourself you tell them what happened and they are furious. Dallas stands up without saying anything and holds you close for a while. After a bit, you rub your eyes and You ask to go to one more store. They agreed. Walking there, the gang asks if your okay and you just say your fine, but in the inside, your very upset. As you walk into Macya and go to the clothing section, you see a girl with gorgeous red hair, you go up to her and tell her how pretty she is. And she thanks you and asks if you want to be friends. You agree and ask how would we stay in touch she replied with meeting up at the movies. You say, "let me ask if I can." You tell her to stay there while you go look for the boys. When you find soda pop you tell him if you could go and he says yeah but to keep it a secret so you do. You go find cherry and say ,Would Wednesday work out and she says, "yeah and if you want to bring some friends it's cool with me because I'm bring a few friends." You tell her thanks bye!" As you watch her walk away back to her group ,Soda realizes where your looking," oh those are the socs, don't talk to them, we don't like them." You just kinda mutter uhuh because one of those girls looks familiar to you.Shes standing next to cherry. She kinda looks like....

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