Explanation Extra chapter

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The next morning

Marvin was currently downstairs in the kitchen drinking coffee. He was a bit anxious to explain to Jack what had happened while he was away, but the magician knew it had to be done. He sat at the table waiting for Jack to get done with his recording. Marvin knew the recording wasn't going to take long. All Jack was doing was telling his fans that he was home and that new videos were going to be up again soon. Evelien was in the kitchen making breakfast for everyone Chase was helping her of course. Evelien looked over at Marvin and saw that he was a bit anxious so she decided to try and ease up the nerves a bit. She stopped what she was doing and sat down next to Marvin at the table giving him a reassuring smile.

"It's going to be okay, Marvin. If things get too heated I'll jump in." Evelien said, smiling softly at the magician. 

"Thanks, Evelien. That'd be nice." Marvin replied, giving her a smile in return.

Before any of them could say anything else Jack entered the kitchen. He looked at Evelien and Marvin curiously, but brushed it off, walking over to the table, taking a seat across from Marvin.

"So, what happened when I was away?" Jack asked, looking at the magician curiously.

Marvin took a deep breath in and out, before looking at Jack nervously, "Before I tell you. I want you to make me a promise. Promise me you won't get mad."

Jack was about to ask why, but decided not to, "Okay, I promise."

"So, when you were away. I did something stupid." Marvin began, fiddling with his fingers anxiously.

"What did you do?" Jack asked, his expression changing a bit.

"I accidently turned Anti into a...a child..." Marvin said, looking away from Jack's glance.

There was silence. Marvin knew he fucked up and that Jack was going to yell at him, but he was going to take whatever punishment that was going to be given to him.

"You what?! How do you accidently turn Anti into a child!" Jack yelled out, angrily.

"I was making a potion to take away Anti's powers for 48 hours, but it backfired..." Marvin replied, frowning a bit.

"That's even worse, Marv! Why would you want to do that?!" Jack asked, looking at the magician strenly.

"I was doing it to get revenge, but I noticed the mistake I made. I should've ignored it like you said, but I was so focused on getting revenge that I didn't see the consequences behind it. I should've told you in the beginning when it happened, but I didn't ruin you spending time with your family...I'm sorry, Jack..." Marvin said, looking at Jack sadly.

"At least you fixed it, but this doesn't mean you're going to be left unpunished. Two weeks of no magic." Jack said, crossing his arms.

Marvin only nodded. He was glad the punishment wasn't too bad, but that means he couldn't teleport Anti and him to the movies tonight. Marvin got up from the chair and walked out of the kitchen. Once he left Evelien looked at Chase and smiled.

"Can you give me and Jack some privacy? I need to have a chat with him alone." Evelien whispered softly to Chase.

Chase nodded and walked out of the kitchen leaving Evelien alone with Jack. Evelien looked at Jack and frowned softly.

"Don't you think that punishment was a bit too harsh? Him and Anti were going to go to the movies tonight. They have no ride since Henrik is at work." Evelien said, looking at Jack sadly.

Jack sighed softly, he knew Evelien was going to try and talk him down on the punishment, "He can't get away with this scotch free, Evelien. He needs to be punished for what he did."  

"I know that, babe. But you weren't here to witness his struggles in trying to make things right. He knows what he did was wrong, but he fixed it and admitted to his mistakes. He pulled all-nighters trying to make the antidote perfect. I think he's been punished enough." Evelien said, grabbing Jack's hand softly.

"I don't know, Evelien..." Jack said, looking away from her glance.

"At least let him and Anti go out tonight. Their bonding has grown a lot since you were gone. Isn't that what you wanted? For everyone to get along? Evelien asked, smiling softly at Jack.

Jack looked at Evelien and frowned. It was true he did want everyone to get along; he hated the constant fighting that they had when he was working. He sighed softly and gave in.

"Alright, they can go out to the movies tonight and I guess I can make it a week of no magic." Jack said, smiling softly.

Evelien smiled happily, kissing Jack on the cheek. She was glad that he agreed to let them go out tonight.

"Thank you, babe. I'll let him know that he and Anti can go out tonight. Can you watch over the food and bring Chase back in?" Evelien asked, getting up from the hair.

Jack nodded happily and watched Evelien leave the kitchen. Evelien made her way up the stairs and toward Marvin's room. She stood in front of his bedroom door and knocked on it softly, waiting for a response. After a few minutes went by and Marvin finally opened the door to see Evelien standing on the other side.

"Oh, hey, Evelien. What's up?" Marvin asked, giving her a small smile.

"Jack said you and Anti can go to the movies tonight and he bunked the punishment down to a week." Evelien smiled happily.

Marvin was surprised at first, but smiled happily knowing this was her doing, "Thank you, Evelien. How did you manage to convince him?"

"Don't worry about that, Marv. You and Anti better have fun tonight." Evelien said, smiling softly.

"We will. Thank you again." Marvin said, giving her a soft smile.

"Breakfast will be done soon. We're having Chase's famous omelets for breakfast, you don't want to pass on that." Evelien said, chuckling a bit.

Marvin chuckled as well, "I wouldn't miss that! I don't know how he does it."

Evelien gave Marvin a soft smile before walking away. Marvin closed his bedroom door and sighed softly. He was glad that he could still go out with Anti tonight. He turned around to head over to his bed, but jumped when he saw Anti sitting there.

"Did I scare ya? Didn't mean to spook ya. I came here to ask you if we're still going out to see that new horror movie tonight." Anti said, getting up from Marvin's bed.

"Of course we are. Before you leave can you promise you'll knock instead of glitch in here. You nearly gave me a heart attack." Marvin said, chuckling a bit.

"Whatever ya say man. I just didn't wanna walk to ask you." Anti said, walking up to Marvin.

"We're literally right across from each other. It doesn't seem like a long walk to me." Marvin said playfully, sticking his tongue out.

Anti only rolled his eyes in annoyance but soon smirked, "Alright, well, I'll see you tonight then." Anti said, walking out of the magician room.

Marvin chuckled a bit once Anti was gone. He was glad he and Anti's bonding was growing. He won't lie though he was glad that he turned Anti into a child if he hadn't their bonding wouldn't be as strong as it was right now. He walked over to his bed and sat down on it, his smile never leaving his face.

"Turning Anti into a child was the best thing that ever happened to me."

Marvin laid back on his bed, looking up at the ceiling. 

"I can't wait for tonight!"

The end

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