Mission impossible Part 5

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"What's your name?" He asked her.
"Nicole." She responded.


I sat criss cross in a capsule that was much smaller than mine. not a lot of leg room. I was in a staring match with Chase, and neither of us were going to break any time soon. He didn't even break when a woman walked over with loud heels.

"Donald who is this?" She asks right in front of the capsule. I glance over for less than a second before chase throws his arms up in victory. "Ha! I won! I won you lose, I won you lose!" He gloats. "Won what?" Bree asks, getting up from her spot on the counter. "Staring contest. She looked at Tasha, and I won." He says looking back at me with a smirk. I stick my tongue out at him. "Well at least you won something in your life." Adam says as he puts Chase in a headlock. "He can now die a happy man" Leo says pointing to Chase. He smiles at me and I giggle at him making fun of Chase.

Chase escapes Adam and regains his balance in front of the capsule. "No! You do not get to laugh at me!" Chase screams at me.  "Chase's chill. She wasn't laughing At you per say... she was laughing with me... at you." He says with a smile.

"Whatever. we have to get ready for. School. Mr. Davenport , what do I do with her so I can get dressed?" Chase asks Mr. Davenport. He's so annoyed, it's funny. "Uh well chase I don't know. Adam, get over here and just kinda hold her while chase changes." Mr davenport orders. "Wait... you get changed in your capsules? It is bad enough you all share the same room/training area/ lab but now you change in your capsules? That is disgusting." I say while I scrunch up my nose.

"See that's what I've been saying the past 16 years!" Bree complains. "You know back home we had a different room for everything. My brother, and sister and I would have different rooms, even though we spent most of our time in each other's room, but still. And we had our own gym, and a lab, that wasn't where we slept. And our capsules where much much bigger. We could sleep laying down. You're a billionaire for gods sake. How are you so cheap? I mean next you tell me you eat in these things as well..." I tell/asks him.

"Well- You know what I don't have to answer to you, Adam get her please?" Davenport seems... embarrassed. Adam pulls me out of the capsule and holds me close to me, facing him. "Well hello there." He says. He winks at me. I giggle at his attempt to flirt with me. Adam continues to flirt with me for the 30 seconds chase is changing. He pushes my hair behind my ear and smiles and uses all the tricks in the book. "Adam you cannot flirt with her!" Chase complains. "What! When you see a pretty thing like that... You just gotta." He tells chase

"No you don't... and you won't." He demands. "Now put her back in the capsule." He orders. Adam takes back to Chase's capsule, but before he walks away he puts a finger phone up to his ear and mouths 'call me' to me. I nod my head, knowing that there was no arguing or getting out of this. "Mr davenport can we take her to school?" Adam asks him. "No Adam we cannot take the prisoner to school!" Chase replies for him. "Wait I am a prisoner now?!" I ask.

I can't be their prisoner. I need to get home, to Issac, Sara, papi, Hugo, melady, Andres. "Well technically not. We just have you locked up and won't let you leave." Mr davenport tells me. "That's the same thing." I told him. "I want to go home!" I yell and bang my hands on the capsule. "Well you should have thought of that before you tried to break into my lab!" "I did break in, I just got caught!" Me and Davenport go back and forth. "Ok ok we're done here! Mr. Davenport just drive us to school ok?" Chase asks wit his arms crossed. He actually looks kinda cute.

They all start walking away when Leo tells them he forgot his book bag and will meet them in the car. "Hey Nicole... I have a question." "shoot" "Why did you break into our lab?" Leo asks me. "To protect my family." I respond. He nods his head and goes to walk away. "All- All I've ever known were my Missions. I'd go on them to not only protect my family, but my people. It's what I do. It's my life. Mi familia. Mi familia and missions is all I've ever known. So if going on this mission would have protected my family, I would have done it again and again till I got it right." I rant on. "Leo what are you doing, let's go" Adam asks while walking into the room. "Hey babe" Adam says looking at me

"I'm coming. I'll try to talk to them." Leo tells me. "Gracias mi amigo" I respond. Leo nods his head again and walks out of the room with Adam.

Heyyy you guys it's me Jay... I know that there isn't any Nicky x chase yet, but she called him cute and that's a start! sorry that this chapter was shot and really bad but I hope you keep on reading! love you guys

This is Jay signing of on mission impossible

                           (950 words)
told you it was short sorry lol

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