Prussia: Kid

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Prussia stared at the child before him, then back at you, then back at the child.

He pointed at the child then looking at you, his head tilted to the side, face scrunched up in confusion.

He didn't need to talk for you to understand him, you understood him completely like you're reading a book.

"She's/He's my cousin's child." You said.

Prussia then motioned you to continue with his hands.

"They're out of town for awhile so I'll be babystitting him/her."

Prussia pouted slightly then looked back at the child who was staring at him.

"Vhat iz it, unawesome child?" He said to (child's name).

"Your hair and eyes colour is..." The child whispered before shouting, "AWESOME!"

You and Prussia stared at (Child's name), wide eyed.

Before you could react, Prussia picked up the child and held her/him up. (Like zhe one is zhe picture desu.)

"You, mein awesome new tiny freund, are awesome. But not as awesome as zhe awesome me of course."

(Child's Name) giggled and Prussia laughed. You stood in front of them dumbfounded but laughed along anyways.

What a dork.

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