Chapter 8: Im being babysat By Hoods

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It's been around 8 hours, let's have a recap of my day shall we?

A minute after I had heard the car pull up, Dallas popped his head in the entrance of
The tent.

"Hey kid..rise n' shine man!"

"I'm already awake.."

"Whatever, get your shit nd' get in the car man, we're going out till they get back."

"Aight then..also-"

"Kid I didn't read whatever little diary thing you've got. I ain't interested."

"Oh..thanks I guess."

"Yeah yeah hurry up." He said as he walked away.

So I got up, and I walked to the car.
I saw Two Bit in the passenger seat, I think he was a little buzzed though..
I saw Johnny in the back too, I sat in the back with him as Dally got into the drivers seat.

"Ey' who wants Dairy Queen? Johnny whatchu want man?"

"Aw Dal you don't gotta pay for me man.."

"You shut your trap nd' tell me whatcha want Johnnhcakes."

I don't know if it was me or maybe I'm just misunderstanding but I think they were..I dunno flirting?? I mean damn.

"Don't - hic- drive-hic- to wild- hic-"

Two But said, clearly a little more than buzzed.

"Wise ass..ts' why you don't get buzzed before we drive dumbass. I ain't taken' it easy on the road."

"Uh..h-how crazily does he drive?.."

I whispered to Johnny,

"Meh, not too to bad once you're used to it..he'll go slower though, I don't think he'd want Two Bit to puke in here.."

"Heh fair enough.." I said as I looked out the window.

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