Confronting Emotions

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A/N: Hi babes! Next chapter will be kickstarting where things get...mature ;) Let me know your thoughts in the meantime! 


'Out of everything you can do, you're choosing to watch her?' My inner voice sneered as I watched the woman in question sparring with Halibel. The fact is that no matter how much I try to get her out of my head, it's impossible.

Her face is scrunched up in concentration and she's impressively not out of breath yet, especially since she had mainly been dodging. It was completely different from the first time I noticed her, which really wasn't so long ago, in the footage Ulquiorra showed after the first mission.

Dismissing her was easy at the time. Now? Not so much. 

The scene playing out in front of my eyes was too captivating for me to turn away from. Tier was in her Resurreción form and Seiren had just released her shikai, ready to finally fucking go on the offensive.

"Bend the heavens, Twilight's Dawn!"

The zanpakuto that she wields is impressive, even to me. I watched with interest as her sword transformed into two katanas: one has a golden hilt and the other is silver, each one respectively encrusted with fire opals and diamonds. The blades glint brightly after every swing she makes, her attacks cause immense pain and immobility. The catch is that she can only impact her opponent if her attacks pierce skin. 

Now that I've seen the princess fight a few times, there's two things for sure. She's fast... not to mention insanely powerful. Evasiveness is a sign of weakness in most people- but definitely not in her case. The fact is that when she makes her move, there's sure devestation to follow no matter where her strikes land. Once I saw that technique she used six days ago, when she disintegrated a Hierro (even though mine is obviously way stronger than that pest's) it was no longer a question, but rather a fact that this woman is a force to be reckoned with.

She's earned my respect. No way I'm telling her that.

Halibel started overpowering her shikai easily. It wasn't hard to tell that she needs to release her Bankai. She's battling an Espada and probably a lot weaker than normal. 

Since the first day, Seiren's been giving me problems by starving herself. Not that I care, but Aizen fucking does. The healer woman was doing the same, so he sent Ulquiorra to threaten them into eating. Since then, she only nibbles at her plate before throwing it at the floor or wall.

Knowing what I overheard in a conversation between Ulquiorra and Aizen, she has a lot more to her than what I'm seeing in front of me. There's more to that seal than destructive power. Something, an ability that uses more than reiatsu, is lurking. 

After a while, they stopped and Seiren begrudgingly handed over her zanpakuto before walking to me. 

"Let's go," she sighed. Not before sending a scathing look towards Nnoitora, standing some feet away to the left of me, who licked his lips in return and winked. He had been showing up just to watch her. 

I didn't like that. 

He sneered as we walked past, "Taking orders from a wench, Grimmjow? Never thought I'd see the day."

"Tch," I clicked my teeth and opted not to obliterate him to pieces, instead grabbing onto Seiren with a vice grip.

She looked bewildered, but didn't struggle, as I used my Sonido to take her back to my room. 


Ignoring the pain that erupted from the impact of literally being thrown into his room, which was really functioning as my prison, I ran towards Grimmjow and wedged my foot in the doorway to prevent him from locking me in here again.

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