chapter one

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Naesia pov.

A knock on the door woke up me groaning and cover my head block out the knocking. Rhaenys walks in with two maids behind her smile seeing her first born wrap in blackets and pillow over her head. She lean over and shook her gently "Wake up my wild flower you need to prepare for the journey to kings landing." Rhaenys said rub her hair gently. My eyes open glare at her, she knows I am not a morning person. Rhaenys smirk and urged me to get up, I groan and crawl out of bed lay down on the ground "Whyyy?" Whine not wanting to leave my bed "Because your a velaryon and it's your duty to represent your house." Huff and roll my eyes for that always statement.

Rhaenys rise an eyebrow and nodded to the two maids. The maids nod and walk over to the curtains. Open them letting sunlight in my room.

I hiss and cover my eyes "My eyes!" Rhaenys got up and walk over to the other curtain i look at her "Muña please be gentle don't.." beg her to not but she opened it anyways making me scream and fall on the floor dramatic.

"Take a bath and get dressed." She said smile and kiss my head when i finally sat up from the floor. Huff again like I am a dragon myself and nod to her words "And don't even thinking about jumping out of the window." Rhaenys call out over her shoulder as she walk out of my room.
I groan getting up staring at my bed wishing to be back in it.

Two maids look at each other and question what is wrong with their lady?
Walking to the main entrance wearing a blue dress that fits my body and shows off my back as my white hair lay perfectly down my neck. The sun rays shine on her that makes her look like a goddess or a fairy.

Rhaenys stood there proud smile on her face "Did you eat?" Nod and kiss her cheek "Good, laenor and laena are on the boat with your father knowing you. You probably want to go on aqua to kings landing."

Aqua is the name I gave her since some of the common folks name her the blue queen. Aqua is the sister of vhagar. Aqua has white and blue scales letting her camouflage in the sky. She has white flames and deep blue eyes.

"Yep let's go Muña." Running, rhaenys laugh shakes her head amused even though she is sixteen years old she is still her little girl walking after her with a warm heart.
Walking to aqua hill seeing her lay there in the sun with soft rumble. Aqua lift her head once she smells me coming. She huffs smoke coming from her snout "Don't be like that besides we got to go and i promise to give extra fish for you." Aqua rumble and allowed me to get on.

"I spoil you too much." I mumble underneath my breath as i get on.

"Sōvegon." I said in high valyrian.

Aqua got up and started walking to the edge of the hill and spread her wings and started flying. Hold on the ropes and smile loving the wind rush past my face and hair.

We fly past the boat that laenor, laena and Corlys are in. Laena and laenor shout excited to see aqua flying in front of their eyes. Aqua shrieks but it's kinda singing to laenor and laena. Corlys huff knowing his daughter is showing off.

I fly higher seeing rhaenys with her dragon Meleys. Aqua roar and flying next to Meleys as we head to kings landing.

Kings landing having a peaceful moment as the market is lively with selling food, jewelery, clothes, weapons and much more.
Suddenly a shadow is over the city and kings landing. Daemon looks up and so  does the gold cloaks.


A person shouted making people run and duck some people were not lucky as aqua fly. The wind she leaves behind knocks people over. Aqua roars flying past the city and red keep. I allowed her to claim a landing spot the dragon landed and roared again shaking the lands claiming this spot hers.

Smirk is on my face as I walk to my mother, laenor and laena. Laena and laenor rush up and hug me "Mandia you were amazing." Laena said her eyes twinkle with excitement, laenor nod agreeing with Laena holding my other hand.

"I wish to have dragon like yours naesia."

Turn my gaze to laena bending down "You will sister and all of us will fly together in the sky." Kiss her forehead. Laena smile and nod rhaenys heart warm seeing her children together and happy.

Standing up turn my attention to mother "Where's kepa?"

"In the council meeting with the king."
Walk to the door, the knights bow and hide lust in their eyes seeing me. Ignore their stares and walk in as they open the door for me. Hearing the talk about crabfeeder and stepstones.

Stand beside corlys seat bow before king viserys "king viserys and my lords." I said.

Viserys smiled "Ah.. naesia how you grow beautiful each day, I see you."

Return the smile "Thank you my king." Turn my attention to father "Kepa i just want to tell you I'm going to the garden where you can find me." Whisper in his ear which he nod and I kiss his cheek.

Bowing before leaving and smile at rhaenrya as I leave the room.
Sitting in the garden and reading a history book "you made a comotion the way you fly near kings landing." Smile is on my lips, look at the book still "That's a lot coming from the rogue prince himself." Turn a page, hear him chuckled.

"I suppose."

Hear his footsteps walk closer to me and his fingers went under my chin, lift my head up and meet his eyes. "You have grown beautiful little dragon." Daemon said with a smirk his thumb gently caressing my lips.

"I'm not little daemon." Bite his thumb and lick it stare in his eyes innocently. His violet eyes grew darker in desire, lean closer to my face and stare deeply in my eyes "Your right about that little dragon." He said in a husky tone.
To be continued i finish the first chapter Yay.
Tell me what you think about this chapter and see you guys later bye 💞👋.

Tell me what you think about this chapter and see you guys later bye 💞👋

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