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STARK: Alright, Ghosty, you and your bandits have the floor.

FINCH: Thanks, Tony. Okay, well, uh, first of all, thanks for hearing us out. I know you don't have a lot of time on your hands, so, uh, yeah —anyway, we're here today to discuss with you some intel we received on March 25th, 2016.

ROGERS: What kind of intel?

LANE: While touring in Reykjavik we were informed of a threat developing in the northern parts of Canada. An extremist group that goes by the name of REGEN. R-E-G-E-N.

FINCH: Essentially they're a radical group of born-agains who believe in the eradication of mutants. [pause] During one of our missions we encountered one by the name of Linda Meekly. At the time she was undercover working under the pseudonym Sofia Petrov.

LANE: We discovered her body in the Jónsson household while sweeping the area post-altercation. On her person, there were two different items tracing back to said group such as a cell phone that we had Ethan decode and a tattoo on her left wrist.

RHODES: What's the connection with the tattoo?

CAMPBELL: The tattoo is of a pair of antlers.

RHODES: Antlers? Seems like a bit of a stretch. 

CAMPBELL: Well, uh [pause] oftentimes antlers are considered symbols of regrowth. Regrowth being a word that's typically synonymous with the term regeneration —hence the connection to the name REGEN.

FINCH: Basically, at the beginning that was our assumption. Regrowth equals REGEN equals the obvious born-again culture these individuals adopt. [pause] Then when we did some further research we found that Linda's phone was riddled with pictures similar to the tattoo itself.

CAMPBELL: We included those in the case file for you to see.

ROGERS: What else did you find on the phone?

LANE: A series of coordinates locating various group bases. Most are along the northern border of Canada —some to the west, but mostly east, as well as at least four along the coastlines of Greenland.

ROMANOFF: Any in Iceland?

FINCH: Yes, the one in Reykjavik had one just twelve miles north of the Jónsson house.

STARK: Wait, why was Meekly at the house in the first place?

LANE: According to an email sent to her brother just after four o'clock the same day, she was there trying to make a deal with Ketill Jónsson, a well-known, high-ranking member of HYDRA.

ROGERS: Do you know what the deal was?

FINCH: At this moment in time we're not entirely sure. Our best guess was that Ketill was on the fence about HYDRA'S recent plans. Seeing as HYDRA is a very active group when it comes to the process of mutating humans we're assuming REGEN is against them in some way.

ROMANOFF: A common enemy.

LANE: Possibly. All we know for now, based on both emails and texts, was that Linda and Ketill knew each other previously, that she was there to speak with him, and that both of them died in an ambush carried out by SHIELD.

STARK: Ambush?

THE VISION: Director Fury ordered a hit against the household after it was found they were withholding a powerful artifact.

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