Riling him up

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                                                            " Talk all day and at night fall in deep.                                                                                                                                             Stimulate me.                                                                                                                                                          I want you mental and physically.                                                                                                                                                I BELONG TO YOU"

Oxytocin is called the love hormone or the cuddle hormone for it reinforces the bond between romantic partners. Will it be weird to say that laying in the arms of my man I was thinking about oxytocin being released from the hypothalamus of my brain? I know I am weird and that is what has compelled me to think about how did this utterly deliciously sexy, handsome, smart, caring, loving, adorable, and beautiful man end up with me? Right now we lay in our bed, at the apartment we share, tangled in the sheets with our room in a complete mess. But do we care? Hell nah! If my mum were to be here, my ass would have been whopped at least 30 times now. But let's not go there.

The room is echoing with the sound of bullets firing and bomb explosions. Yeah, my overly romantic partner (note the sarcasm please), had come up with the idea of watching a movie together and we ended up watching this action thriller. Although the way we are laying down is quite cozy, still who watches an action-thriller on a movie date ya? Would've been great if I were a fan but not so surprisingly am not. So I am doing what am best at, sleeping with my eyes open.

With random things going through my mind, I suddenly became aware of the position we were lying in. He sat with his legs wide apart and me settled between them. My back against his chest, head tucked under his chin, his hands encircling my waist and resting upon mine, and ever so slightly rubbing the pads of his thumb in a circular motion. All in all, it was quite a romantic atmosphere with the scented candles and the lights dimmed. I turned my head to look at him only to see him too focused on the movie to observe anything around him.

"Shiv", I whisper and he hummed in reply.

"Shiv listen to me naa!", I whine at his unbothered attitude.

"What is it Ani?", he replies with his eyes still stuck on the screen.

"I was asking...", He cut me off in the middle " You need not ask me anything baby. You are an independent woman do whatever you want."

"But...", and then a brilliant idea struck me to rile this man up. I stood up from my position and moving towards the cupboard I started acting like choosing an outfit for myself. I knew he was looking at me this whole time all confused but he'll pay for not paying attention to me! I know I am an attention seeker, accepted the fact long back.

"Ani what are doing?" And a smirk makes its way up to my lips. "Getting ready babe", I murmur acting all engrossed in choosing the outfit.

"But for what babe?" I could sense his patience waning, but do I give a fuck? Hell nah!

"Babe that is what I was talking to you about na and you said I am an independent woman and could do as I like so that's what I am doing.", innocence dripping down with every word I utter.

"Anaisha stop beating around the bush and just come straight to the point. Where are you headed to?" Shiv says a little louder this time and I know it is getting intense coz,

1. He called me Anaisha and not babe, baby, sweets, honey, and all the cute words you could imagine.

2. He is walking up to me leaving his movie in the middle meaning this convo is more important than the most important thing to him!

So I reply with something that could trigger him even more because if you don't get it by now, then let me tell you I freaking loveeee to rile him up. "Jaana I am going to Ritwik's partyieeeeeeeeeeeee" and I am turned around with full force to face my boyfriend who kind of looks mad and jealous and fucking livid! But this is me we are talking about I won't give up without some angry sex so putting my acting skills into use I make up a very innocent and sad face with my big puppy eyes and lower lip jutted out.

"Anaisha how many times have I told you I don't fucking like that bastard and you know he has a crush on you. A.FUCKING.CRUSH.ON.YOU!! That fucking oaf thought it was a brilliant idea to let someone know about his crush and the first person he confides in? ME!!!! It's just preposterous."

"Okay Shiv I get that I told you that I liked how "Lucifer Morningstar" talked but you imitating him, rather trying to imitate him is ridiculous." And with that, I broke into fits of laughter.

When my laugh subsided I looked at him to see that bright glint and softness in his eyes. Made me feel butterflies no denying that but I wanna play some more. So I peck him and turn to my wardrobe acting like picking up an outfit. And there I saw it. Just what I needed. I give him a sickly sweet smile and move out to change

"Anaisha listen to me. Aniiii...", Shiv starts shouting but I close the bathroom door on his face.

"You better come out this moment Anaisha or I am gonna break this door. You hear me?" He grunts and kid you, not it made me shiver. But with the plan I had in mind, this anger of his can work.

"You are getting angry Shiv and you promised you'd not break anything in our home," I said in a sing-song voice just to add fuel to this fire.

"I am not getting angry, you come out this instant," I could imagine him saying this with his clenched jaws and hands closing and opening in a fist. Oh just how sexy he looks in rage.

Slightly touching up my hair and just applying a bold maroon lipstick i open the door and flutter across the room acting like finding the essentialities needed. I turn to him to see his mouth agape, eyes just about to pop out, and even though one couldn't see it but the sexual tension in there was so much that you could cut it with a knife.

"Baby you look like an angel but as sinful as a demon could get. Why the hell are going to that jerk's party looking this fuckable." He glides across the floor to me with this look on his face that I deciphered as I-am-going-to-eat-you-like-there's-no-tomorrow.

"Mi amour Ritz wanted me to come real bad...oops that came out wrong," I reply as if I don't know what this scandalous dress and Innocent sentences of mine can do to the hulk in front of me.

I don't think I gave you the description of what I am wearing, did I? Well it's a white co-ord set with spaghetti straps barely holding my modesty. Thanks to my genes, I am a well-endowed woman, so this good-for-nothing excuse of a top, well you might have guessed what it looks like. And then there is a knot in the back which if you open, wouldn't leave anything to one's imagination coz I am wearing absolutely nothing underneath. Yup, you heard me right nothing. Nada. Then coming to the bottoms it is a long skirt with a thigh-high slit on both sides and ohh the sun did me good. My tanned legs are on display and man do they look luscious! Too much bragging huh?! Wait till you see what my Hulk does to me!

Tune in for the next part of it. 

Till then Adios amigo!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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