Chapter 1: The Darkness Within the Light

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Chapter 1: The Darkness Within the Light

The sound of rain tapping against the windows is calming, soft gusts of wind pass throughout the household, the warm light of the sun is nowhere to be seen, hidden in deeply gray clouds. Distant keyboard clicking is heard from the hallway. The clicking increases in speed and suddenly, it stops, the house is quiet, only the sound of thunder and rain remains. At the end of this hallway is one singular bedroom, where our supposed protagonist resides. There lies a dark haired school boy on his computer completing the last of his work for the day, he sighs and shuts down his laptop. As the rain continues to pour down upon his home he gets up and looks at himself in the mirror, he says in a disappointed tone "oh, that mess in the mirror is actually me, huh?" "Jeez, I really let myself go, my life is going downhill." The rain starts to lighten up and the clouds start to disperse, shortly the rays of sunlight beam through his window, bringing light to his darkened room, breathing life into the home. He sighs again and Crimson asks himself whilst staring at the mirror "why am I like this?" "Where did I go wrong?" But alas, he does not know his mistakes, all he knows is that he is displeased at his current state. Shortly after his ordeal in front of the mirror, a knock can be heard from his door, "Who could it be?" He asked himself whilst staring at the door. Crimson walks towards his door and opens it, a figure stands before him, wearing a long black cloak, the figure's face and hands are gleaming, as if it is made out of pure light. A deep assertive voice comes from the being "Your life will end, spend your time wisely, when I shall come back to your doorstep, you are done." Crimson stands in shock and in confusion, the figure turns to black dust, he thinks to himself "Who was that?" "Was that god? "Was it death himself?" He is driven into panic but after his initial shock subsides, he thinks about what the being said "What does it mean, I will die soon?" He continues to ask himself questions until it comes to his realization that he was not told when he dies. He thinks to himself again "How long do I have? Does this mean I can die at any second?" He asked himself this again and again trying to find an answer, but alas, he did not. After a few minutes of contemplating what sense was made after that encounter, he decided to take a stroll down the dog park next to his house to take his mind off it. He put on some jogging pants and a shirt. He locked his door and he was off, as he arrived he is met with the sounds of dogs barking and playing with their owners, they were happy, they were complete

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