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Noah pov:



I had went over to my childhood friend's house, I was so excited to meet Aaron again until...

I saw policemen around his house... I had asked what had happened... Only to realize Aaron and his sister Sarah were both missing... I had seen missing posters of both of them

I burst into tears as I knew I wouldn't be able to hang out with my best friend, ever again... I had been with him since preschool; It had been almost a whole decade since we had been together as best friends... We had so many memories together and now Aaron had been gone... Life wasn't the same...


I ended up waking from my dream. It was a past memory of the day my best friend had dissapeared... It always played in my head...

I started to tear up as I felt emotional and I sobbed bitterly... I really missed him so much... I was really emotionally attached to him...

"Hey Noah, what's wrong?" Y/N asked as she was awake..

"Nothing, I just thought of my best friend and I felt emotional." I said glumly...


"You should go back to sleep.." I said to her...

Y/N shrugged and slowly fell asleep, I had laid down as well...

I looked at Dusty to my side... I had been wondering why his shy, sweet yet sensitive personality reminded me of my best friend... Could it be a coincidence or not? I had wondered, I mean Y/N wouldn't understand if I told all these to her... I was the only one who had understood... I mean I already had gotten a glimpse of Dusty's human self and indeed it was quite familiar weirdly... Since it was a month, I kinda forgot about Aaron so yeah...

I fell into a deep slumber slowly..


I yawned and stretch as I woke up and I put my glasses on. I found out Skittles and Y/N wasn't there and it was only I and Carneline...

I noticed he was kinda awake and the blanket kinda wasn't on him. He looked at me sleepily...

"Bro, you should go back to sleep it's really early in the morning." I said as I looked at my watch on my wrist. Apparently he didn't say anything again and fell fast asleep.

Since I noticed the blanket wasn't on him, I gently place the blanket on him so he could be comfortable. I layed down and looked at him. He just fell asleep that quickly?

I turned away and I slept too as I was really sleepy...

*Time forward + Change of POV*

I wake up from my slumber and I stretched my arms and legs. I suddenly felt a sharp pain, oh wait I'm dumb, I still have bandaged injuries so I need to limit my movement...

I rub my sleepy eyes and I see Noah just look behind me and he held a sandwich of some sort..

"Don't just be hungry, EAT!" Noah said as he just fed me a sandwich by stuffing it into my mouth. It turned out to be grilled cheese and it actually tasted good but it took me a while to chew it as it was quite a big piece.

"Have some more atleast!" He said again as he stuffed another grilled cheese into my mouth. Bro- This guy is "gently" handfeeding me like as if I was his baby brother or something.

I anyways had the grilled cheese as I was really hungry and my stomach felt so much better. I felt like giggling the way Noah acted for a reason.

"Dude- I ain't your baby brother, I can literally eat by myself, so you don't have to handfeed me dude..." I said, holding back my laughter like I swear this guy is just too funny.

I took a few more pieces and ate it quickly because of how hungry I was. My stomach was really happy as I was full.

"Aight now, if you want you can stay here or come with me to look for Y/N and Skittles but Carneline, like I still reccomend you come with me though, you'll never know if that situation repeats again..." Noah said as he got up and took his machete...

"Dude- Wait." I said as sorta struggled to stand up quick but I was able to hold myself together and stand up...

I just got up as well and I was able to walk by myself now. I followed him out of the place and into the hall. This time, it was just violent sorta wars between the goos and human.

I see a bunch of humans with scythes look at me. I got a little scared and turned away as I followed Noah...

"Maybe she's in the cafeteria..." Noah said as he went to the cafeteria and I followed him as well and yep she and Skittles were there.

"Oh hey guys! I got more resources!" Y/N said as she had kept a medkit into her bag.

"Dude, what took you so long?" Noah asked.

"Eh, just finding the right ones... Now let's go back" Y/N said calmly as we all went back...


Welp it was the same again as we stuck to this hideout eh of course Noah and her wanted to avoid wars and so did I. Like the hallway? There was like a whole ass war!

It was a while and we found Y/N and Skittles and we went back to our spot. There wasn't much soo...

Noah kinda just played with Skittles while me and Y/N watched. She looked at my feet/paws and kinda was curious...

"What exactly is that soft thing supposed to be?" She asked curiously, touching it and it tickled. I almost tried not to laugh from that ticklish feeling...

Then Y/N looked at me with a smirk.

"Ticklish huh?" She said as she tickled my foot/paw even more.

"Dude stop-" I said giggling.

"Tickle attack!!!" She said as she started to tickle my torso with both arms. I giggled and laughed even more, it tickled so much.

Heck atleast she stopped, I like laughed wayy too much while Noah literally stared...

I suddenly feel a sharp pain again and clench my bandaged torso. Y/N had her eyes widened but Noah quickly ran towards me..

"Shit are you good?" Noah asked in concern, cutting off Y/N before she could finish...

"Yeah, I just laughed too hard and forgot I had a cut on my torso..." I said to him as I sheepishly smiled. I was dumb to forget I had a huge cut on my torso itself..

"Dude I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you-" Y/N said out of nowhere.

"It's alright..." I said as the pain slowly went away...

So the rest of the day passed on with the three of us chitchatting, making jokes and playing little games because we were bored...


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