Chapter 12

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Kiera's moms POV. (Zoe)

It's been another couple of weeks since my baby's been missing, I miss them so much.

The police are becoming increasingly concerned, because they've been gone for so long. I told them where they were supposed to be camping. I left with the two officers that first came to my house and we headed towards the camp.

We had been driving for a while. We carried on driving down the road when I saw the car abandoned on the side of the road.

"That's his car!" I shouted with more hope, they both jumped.

"Sh*t, Ok". The cop driving said. He pulled up and they both got out. They had their hands on their belts ready to pull out their guns."Stay in the car" I sighed and did as I was told.

They looked around the camp for around five minutes. They came back and gave me the signal to come out.

It was messy, all their stuff was thrown around. An overwhelming pain grew inside me until I couldn't take it anymore.

"Oh god" I cried with my hand over my mouth and began to sob. I looked inside the car and saw Kiera's jacket I sat in the driver's seat and cried into Kiera's jacket.

After a few minutes one of the cops came to me, his name was Michael.

"Sorry but we need to get going now". He gave me a sympathetic smile. I nodded and wiped away the last few of my tears and walked out of the car to Michael and his partner James.

"What happens now?"

Michael stepped forward and began to speak.

"Well it was clear they were here so we'll call in a search team and they will start looking at first daylight."

I nodded.

"But for now we were going to go to the police station close by and see if they know anything, that's if you're up for it."

I was determined to find them.

"Whatever it takes." I replied.

He nodded and we got back in the car and drove to the nearest station.

On the drive there it was very quiet. No one spoke in fear of saying the wrong thing. When we got to the station Michael did most of the talking, I took a step back.

A chubby cop came out to talk to us he was the department manager. He told us that the town was small and he would know if anything happened.

"Is it your little girl that's missing?" He asked, addressing me.

"Yes" I whispered.

"Sorry, I can't imagine what you're going through." he smiled and I nodded.

I turned and walked out, Michael and James followed. We sat in the car and they dropped me off home.

I got in the shower before I went to bed. I wasn't hungry, I hadn't been able to eat properly for a few days. I sat in the shower and just cried.

"Baby where are you?"
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