Now What

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Finn, Gwen, and Matilda's eyes lift when I approach the bar where they sit sipping on cokes

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Finn, Gwen, and Matilda's eyes lift when I approach the bar where they sit sipping on cokes.

"And?" Gwen inquires, almost jumping off her bar stool.

I shake my head. "He's out. I told you it was a waste of time."

"Maybe not." Finn chirps. I follow his line of sight, my eyes falling on the one and only Robin Arellano. The Fighter.

I groan, turning my back on him as he approaches our group.

He manages a small, sheepish smile when he stops outside our circle. "H- hey, guys."

Finn nods, Gwen smiles, Mat glares and I stay still, watching the sweat bead off Gwen's glass and onto her fingers.

"Hey, Amy." He says. He turns to face me in full. He wears jeans, tennis shoes, and a black tank top that highlights the muscles in his arms. I could roll my eyes, but I know it's a pointless action. He's good-looking. Everyone knows it.

He's changed a lot since we last talked, but the black bandanna his dad gave him still stays rooted around his head. That'll never change. Neither will his annoyingly charming smirk.

I choose to ignore him. Out of the corner of my eye, I watch him grimace, pulling back from me a little.

Gwen's eyes flick between us, while Finn looks at his friend with a "seriously?" look etched across his face. Meanwhile, Matilda continues to glare.

"So..." She starts, bitter undertones evident in her voice. "Now what?"

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