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Following the loss of her boyfriend Riff,Graziella wishes that she could go back to the night they met. She just can't believe it. Her boyfriend,the love of her life is gone. He's gone and he's never coming back. She was grateful for Tony trying to stop Riff from even having it in the first place that night. She thought that he must have known how things were going to go down at the Rumble. And if that's the case,he was trying to protect Riff and keep him alive that night.

But just before the end of the Rumble,her boyfriend,the love of her life, was dead. She remembers being told that Riff had not made it out of the rumble to return home with her. Riff's gone and Graziella is devastated beyond repair and nothing can fix her broken heart. Having Riff return home to her would. More  than anything,she wants her boyfriend. 

Take Me Back To The Night We Met (Riff/Graziella)Where stories live. Discover now