There's no way

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   Nagatoro Hayase could be plenty of things. Strong, numb headed at times, rude, anything. But she could never be honest. It was beyond her; it took plenty out of her to let people know  what was going on in her head while she did whatever it is that she  decided to do, and lying came as natural as breathing to her. 

   Over the years, her sister had continuously told the tanned girl  that lying was wrong, and that it led to the past coming back to bite  your arse, and even though it could hardly be considered the past,         lying had actually backfired her a few days ago, effectively severing a  relationship she had been nurturing and caring for, for the last year  and a half. 

   She had decided to insult someone special to her in order to  save herself from the agonizing interrogation girls could sometimes  subdue other girls to, and the world had crumbled down on top of her a  minute afterwards.

   It felt horrifying, but now she had a chance to fix it all back  again; right, perhaps not really the way it was before, but at the very  least she could mend her relationship with her dear Senpai. She wouldn't  mind having to start all over again and redo all the work she had put  on the guy's confidence. It was her fault and she'd take  responsibility. 

   She still felt nauseous every time she revisited her parade of insults towards her Senpai either way.

   "Just why am I so stupid..." Nagatoro sighed in regret, letting her arms  dangle aimlessly as she walked towards the place that had occupied her  mind for the entire morning. 

   She took the long path to the third year's floor, where the Art  Club was located. Hayase already knew all the roads that led to Roma (In  this case the club), and had taken this one specifically to relax  herself off that anxious feeling that kept nagging her deep inside. 

   She, like usual, had no actual plan once she met with Senpai,  but at the very least had goals set up that she needed to complete  before they parted ways that day.

   First, she'll apologize profusely. She'll be honest about it, no  more teasing, no more bullying, just real feelings. She messed things  up and it was her turn to fix it. Naoto had done plenty of things  already, like enduring her never ending teasing or taking her places,  making sure she and her friends had fun even if it meant suffering for  him. She'd now be the one helping.

   And second, she'll finally establish something with him. A year  and a half have gone by without them doing much more than just slow,  anime-like progression, and one of them needed to put weight into their  pedal; Obviously, her Senpai would never have the guts for it, and she'd  always be too prideful and eccentric to do something herself, but now  things were gonna change. She'll do it-, in simple words, she'll confess  to him, even if every fever of her being trembled off anxiety, she has  to.

   With those thoughts in mind, she took the stairs to the third  year's room, picking up the pace a little bit; things were gonna happen  whether she wanted it or not, so it'd be best to just do it already, she  had a Senpai to fix.

   Rushing out through the hallway and slightly regretting taking  the long way around, she headed towards the Art Club, ignoring her  superior's stares and idiot monkey heads trying to get her to give them  even a single minute.

   Turning right once and then left, she finally spotted the  telltale smell of fresh paint and oil her Senpai would always coat the  room with without noticing, and gulped hard. This was it. No more  running, it was time to finally face her own demons and fix out her  fiasco.

   Without a second thought, she took a deep breath, calmed herself...

   And kicked the door open.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2023 ⏰

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