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Sure, Lake Arctic was now full of life. The new players per say had a lot of work to do if thet wanted to survive. But they weren't the only ones thrown into this madness.

Miles away, deep in the woods, a creature unlike any other ran as fast as he could. His heartbeat skyrocketed, as his breathing became more and more difficult the farther he ran.

Left right left right left right- that's all the boy had running through his head. Come oooonnn, there has to be somewhere to hide.

His legs began to weaken, the extreme amount of exercise on them starting to strain his muscles. He hadn't run this much in a while.

What made things worse was his surroundings. Bitter cold forest, but no mountains or caves to use for hiding. Most of the ground in this part of what seemed to be a never ending forest just happened to be flat. Just his luck. All he could do was keep running.

But even though he had grand speed, what he ran from had one advantage over him.

Rounding a corner, the white-haired child was forced backwards onto the snow by a great force. He gasped slightly, his breath heavy as the headache caused by the sudden impact slowly dissaoeared. Holding his head, he looked forward, and his eyes widdened.

There in front of the boy stood an extremely tall figure. It's body was made of black void, a brown jacket and some basic shorts being the only thing keeping it looking at least a little same. But it's face, the bright white eyes followed by two tall white horns just above could send shivers through your entire body. Looking at the creature, it only radiated one emotion; hunger.

The boy shivered. He barred his teeth, dug his hands into the snow slightly, and looked to be preparing for the fight of his life. Until....


In the flash of an eye, another child had rammed into the creature, catching it off guard and shoving it into the snow. The child stood afterwards, sending out a brutal hiss. A young creeper.

The void creature below the creeper child stiffened, rasing it's hands above it's head in defeat.

That's strange. Such a mighty beast beaten by a simple young creeper? How could that be? Clearly the creature could take down this kid, surely both of them. Why the sudden halt?

Well, you see, what if I told you this wasn't a chase scene, but rather....

"Okay okay! You win you win! Pleeease don't blow up-" the void-like creation spoke out, it's voice much more playful than someone would expect. Almost giggly.

The creeper child threw their fist in the air, giving out a hollar of acomplishment. "HECK YEAH! I win, Powder the CREEPER OVERLORD! Have slayed the mighty void!" Said void giggled below the child, holding it's clawed paws up to it's- well, the creature had no mouth, so just where a mouth would be I guess.


The two had almost forgotten of the pressence of the other child. He stood back up, his white fluffy hair bluncing slighlty, his white ears flicking annoyingly with his white bushy tail. "I'm the one who distracted Thignexe long enough for you to get her off guard!" The arctic fox boy exclaimed, pointing forward at the two.

The creeper child, who we have learned is named Powder, scoffed as he got off of the void, who we have learned is named Thignexe, and approached the fox-hybrid. "Oh yeah, Vanilla? Well I'd like to see YOU try to make Thignexe scared, you'd end up getting bitten!"

Vanilla, the fox-hybrid child, gasped. "I COULD SCARE THIGNEXE JUST FINE!" He swiftly pointed towards the void creatire, who had just finisged standing back up on her two legs. She stood at just about 12 ft, so she would naturally crouch back on her legs when near the two children. "Oh- uh- Yeah! I wouldn't wan't to mess with the mighty Vanilla!" she responded, her two white eyes turning into two angled slits, giving the impression of smileing.

"Hmph. You aren't suppose to pick sides!" Powder exclaimed, crossing their arms in a pout.

These two continued to argue the whole walk home, Thignexe following them closely behind as she attempted to not get involved in their bickering.

Eventually after a bit of a walk, with the sun setting under the trees, the three of them reached the cave they had called home.

You're probably wondering how such different creatures became so close. Well, it all started with a scared Vanilla being cornered by a feral enderman. It was just about to scatch the child and teleport who knows where when it was tackles to the ground by a child creeper. Powder had seen Vanilla from a distance, and after wandering for days trying to find someone else sane, rushed in to help the other child. The enderman did not want to deal with explosion wounds, so it had teleported away.

The two kids exchanged names and a shared current problem; they had both woken up in this world with barely any memories, really only knowing their names and a fog memory of their past. It was almost like something had been hiding their past with a big fog cloud within their brain. They teamed up and began getting through the workd together.

It was only the next day when they had run into Thignexe crying in the cave they now called home. She had just woken up and was going through a major panic attack. The kids managed to calm her down and to get her stable enough to speak. Thignexe had explained how she woke up in darkness, and didn't know where she was. She really only knew her name.

The children exclaimed to her their shared troubles, and the three partnered up for survival.

They spend mornings gathering resources, scouting for signs of other people, and taking care of their garden and few chickens they had caught for eggs. And in the afternoon, they spent hours training with battle techniques, stealth lessons, and basic survival instructions. Thignexe had been having fun teaching these two kids, and has sort of become a parental figure for them both.

But she understood not everything was anazing. Their food supplies grew weaker every day. Resources around them began to decay due to the harsh climates. Snow storms became more frequent as time went on. Vanilla and Powder hadn't quite realized it yet, but Thignexe had came to the conclusion that their home was no longer safe for their survival.

So one morning, as Vanilla began to wake up, he had sported Thignexe packing a bag with the homemade medkit and a few other survival needs.

Shooting out of his sleeping back they had snatched from an abandoned hut a little farther away, Vanilla rushed to the void's side in panic. "Woah, hey, why are you packing?!" he exclaimed loudly, his voice filled with worry.

Thignexe sighed. "The land around here isn't sustaining us as much as we need it to be. We need to move." And with that, Thignexe quickly walked to Powder's sleeping bag, picking up the child and holding them in their arms, as the creeper continued to sleep the morning away.

Vanilla was shocked. Move? What about their home? The drawings on the walls, the chickens only just beginning to wake in their coop, what about everything here?

Looking to Thignexe, Vanilla felt tears begin to fall down his face. Where were they gonna go? What will they do?

The void looked back at the child with sorrow. She really didn't want to do this, but it was needed if they wanted a chance at surviving. They had to find some sort of civilization. There had to be one somewhere, right?

Leaning down, Thignexe picked up vanilla with her free hand, hoisting the child to hold him against her shoulder. "It'll be alright, I will find us somewhere safe."

And after opening the chicken pen with her clawed feet, giving them a chance of survival in the wildreness, the parental void began it's long walk through the forest.

They didn't know how long they'd be walking, but they knew they had to go somewhere.

Lucky for them, others were out there. Those who could help them. Those they needed to truly understand who they are.

again not proofread haha

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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