
11 1 1

"If you don't step back from me I will bite your face off." Maeve Ann Leroy Mongush said calmly as the 10-year-old boy growled. 

Maeve knew better than to leave without her guards, but 'she was only a sweet innocent little girl who knew nothing about the big bad world' she lives in.

"негр bitch."(black) the boy spat as the older boy pushed her, but she did not fall to the ground that would have been very unladylike of her. She knew better than to get her clothes dirty. 

Maeve was very close to unsheathing her claws and ripping this boy's face off. Wolves are very annoying animals especially when they aren't taught any better.

"Я не люблю проявлять неуважение." (I don't take kindly to disrespect)  Maeve said but before she could do anything a blur flew past her and landed on top of the boy. As the boy screamed in pain the blur stood up and spat on him.

"как ты смеешь apologize." (how dare you) The strange girl said as she looked down at him. 

Maeve stood there observing as the boy got up and tried to run away, before he could a really innocent-looking Asian girl grabbed him by the back of his neck on the extra flush every shifter child had there and growled "APOLOGIZE!" 

"I-I'am sorry." 

"Good." The girl said as she let go of his neck and looked at Maeve.

Maeve blinked as she started walking up to her "Hi my name is Jelena" she proclaimed with her arms stretched out. Maeve looked into the girl's blue cat-like eyes recognizing a fellow cat shifter.

"Maeve" she replied, with a smile.

"You're too young to be out here without your parents, some people here are not nice." Jelena said.

"I can take care of myself and besides I'm pretty sure we're the same age" Maeve's voice is firm and unwavering.

"really" Jelena laughed "You don't look like an 8-year-old."  

Maeve frowned as she started to walk away. Jelena ran to catch up to her so she could protect her. She wasn't sure why but she had a need to protect this girl, maybe it was because they were but tigers. 

Jelena felt a little uncomfortable with how silent the walk was so she started asking questions "So...where are you from." 


"Oh...that's nice. What brings you to Russia"

"I'm here to visit my Дедушка (grandpa). Why so many questions?" Maeve started to get suspicious.

"I hate when it's too quiet, so it either asks questions or start fights or something."   

"You're very um...unique" Maeve side eyes putting distances between them.

They finally arrived at Maeve's house.

"This is where you live" the 8-year-old girl gape at the palace in front of her.

"No this is my grandpa's place" Maeve was starting to think that the girl might be slow.

"B-but this is the pride King's palace."

"Yeah, I know. He's my grandpa" Maeve was right the girl is slow.

"Princess" was heard as two guards came running up to them "Where have you been everyone has been looking for you."

"Maeve Ann Leroy Mongush!" 

"Uh oh" Maeve tried to hide behind one of the guards but it was too late, her father had already seen her.

"What did I tell you about leaving the palace without your guards" her dad yelled.

"Well good thing I didn't leave, I snuck out instead." 

"Don't be smart with me girl" Maeve stared at the ground as her father reprimanded her "Who is she?"

"My new friend Jelena" Maeve said as she looked up "She 'saved me' from an asinine wolf boy who called me a негр bitch"

All the adults around them gasped in horror "Where's this boy now."

The two girls looked at each other and shrugged. Her father sighed and picked her up.

"Don't worry Father idiotic wolf boys are not my concern, besides I'm too good for them"

"Что мне с тобой делать?" (what am I going to do with you?) her Father wondered out loud "What if your mom found out about this, do you not want a dad anymore you know she would kill me if anything happened to you or your brothers. Oh Miss Jelena, do your parents know where you are?"

", your majesty."

"Call me Дядя"(Uncle) He said as he started walking away " You can come inside and call your family to tell them where you are, if it's okay with you I would like to meet the family of my daughter's first friend"

Jelena wasn't sure when Maeve and she became friends but knew from that day on that she will never live a peaceful life. Who needs a peaceful life anyways her family might disagree though.



Thank you guys for reading this was the prologue so you got to know our main girl I'm not sure if it was good or anything. Now looking back at it I feel like there's a lack of her personality in this. She didn't talk a lot. Just know she gets a little condescending and uptight when she feels attacked. 

Anyways let me know what you think since this is my first time writing anything like this Bye!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2023 ⏰

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