Gold and Glass

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a poem by yours truly!

I have a heart of Gold and Glass.
I love having my heart,
But some days I wish
That I didn't have such a special heart.

On one side,
I am a kind and empathetic human.
But on the other side,
I could shatter at any minute.

I adore my special heart,
But sometimes it hurts.
And that's all it seems to be doing
For the past few days.

Being so kind,
And yet so sensitive
Has taken a toll on me and my heart,
And it hurts.

My brain told me something.
"Willow, maybe it's time to heal."
I think my brain is right,
I need to focus on myself.

But dont worry.
I'll still love
Like I used to before.
All I need is time to heal.


heres a picture of the poem if you want it :)

heres a picture of the poem if you want it :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2023 ⏰

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