The wife pt.1

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Bryson and Y/n met through a mutual friend,Kiing,Eight years ago when she was 12.

She was going back and forth between her mother's and grandmother's houses since she was born since her mother was ..... something else.

You see, her mother had her very young with a much older man.They tried to make it work out but it never did.So Y/n's mom gave up and relied on her parents to help for a year.That was until she met a husband not even a few years later and he introduced her to some very heavy drugs.Two years later when her mom was only 15 she gave birth to Y/n's little brother K'ayden.Y/n would still do the annual visits until she was 13.Her mother was always too high and or drunk to take care of her or her brother so she did it herself . That being said she would always get into these screaming matches with her mother about who did more for the family as if y/n wasn't the glue.By now she had already figured out most of what she wanted to know about herself.She knew she was gender fluid,she also knew she was bisexual.When her mother isn't high off her ass she is a kinda decent mom.But what wasn't apparent to Y/n is that her grandmother hadn't told her mom that she was fluid and bi.When y/n went back to her mother's house the first thing she did was hang up her prideful tapestries.Hours after arriving her mother busted in her room reeking of alcohol,crack,sweat,and a sorry excuse of motherhood.She saw the tapestries and FLIPPED OUT screaming, yelling, kicking, punching,and slurring at her daughter to get out of her house and that she was going to hell for chosing to live the way she did.she told her to pack her things leave and never come back.She couldn't even say bye to her brother.did I mention her mom had money she just chose to spend it all on drugs and liquor?that being said she gave her daughter two stacks to figure out wtf she boutta do all by herself .

She used that money and as per usual she got shit together.she gotten a train ticket back to Louisiana and her grandmother's house.But that train ,as every other time she'd been on it had a stop in none other than Louisville, KY.She got on as normal and got off in Kentucky first thing she did was get a motel room and take a shower and a nap after putting her phone on the charger.

When she woke up she took her phone off the charger then texted her friend ,Kiing.

After going to McDonald's y/n made her way to the basket ball court where she bodied half the Kentucky niggas that played there with her friends as always nowadays y/n is always stepping out looking like a straight dude so it wasn't a surprise whe...

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After going to McDonald's y/n made her way to the basket ball court where she bodied half the Kentucky niggas that played there with her friends as always nowadays y/n is always stepping out looking like a straight dude so it wasn't a surprise when she rolled up wearing something reminiscent of this

After going to McDonald's y/n made her way to the basket ball court where she bodied half the Kentucky niggas that played there with her friends as always nowadays y/n is always stepping out looking like a straight dude so it wasn't a surprise whe...

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She got her food and drink and handed them theirs and they all sat ate and talked. After they played about 6 rounds of basketball y/n winning 6/6 games and having to be chauffeured around the neighborhood by the counterparts.when they where done Kiing went home and bryson and Y/n walked to his house.they went to his room and sat and talked for 5 hours .It was 12 o'clock at night when their eyes locked .time stopped.they stopped breathing.some thing about each other was captivating.

Something about the other made them want to know each other.Bryson put his right hand on her right cheek.Sitting up from their laying down position on his bed they locked eyes until they both leaned forward and closed their eyes.........


Muahhahahaaha I just blueballed Yu until next chapter tell me how you liking it so far so I can know if I should do like face claims and shit if nessasary

I love you if you love me~❤️

               -signing out, Daisiee 😘🧿

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