New student

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The week passed, and Ranboo was finally allowed to join the school. Mr. Aizawa brought him the school uniform, so on Monday morning Ranboo got up extra early (because the students couldn't see him go into the school), put on the uniform, and went out into the early morning.

The school was about a five-minute walk from the dorms. Ranboo liked to walk; it reminded him of the long walks in Snowchester with Micheal holding his hand. Then Tubbo got angry when they got back because Micheal had rosy cheeks and was shaking. But he had a big smile on his face. And neither Ranboo nor Tubbo could ever be mad at him. That was the one memory he could never forget.

He missed those days. But he could never go back there again. Now he was stuck in this strange limbo after he died.

Ranboo reached the school where Mr. Aizawa (he fortunately remembered the man's name) was waiting for him.

"Welcome to UA high Ranboo." Said Aizawa animalistically. He looked like he had just woken up. Aizawa explained that he would announce that there was a new student, and another teacher would tell him when to come to the classroom as a new student. Until then, he would stay in the teacher's lounge.

Aizawa showed him the way to the teacher's lounge, and when they got there, it was empty.

Probably because all the teachers were well...teaching

Aizawa asked him to sit down, but Ranboo preferred to stand, so he shook his head. Aizawa nodded, "just wait here," the black haired man said. "Miss Midnight will tell you when to come in."

Ranboo nodded as he closed the door. He reached into his inventory and pulled out his memory book to write some things down.

Aizawa is your teacher. He scribbled down

You died. He wrote hesitantly as he closed the book and returned it to his inventory. Then he just ate some bread. About 10 minutes passed with Ranboo just walking around the room.

Finally the door opened and a woman came out. She had long black hair tied in a ponytail, and on her face was red glasses, and she wore a very tight outfit.

"Uh, hello," Ranboo murmured. "Are you Miss Midnight?"

She braced her hand on her hip and stretched her arm in the air. "Why yes, I am!" she said enthusiastically. Then Midnight raised her arm in the air and pointed at Ranboo. "I have been ordered by Eraserhead to take you to Class 1-A."

"Okay, thanks," he said. She led him out the door and he followed Miss Midnight through the hallways.

The doors were so high. He didn't complain, Ranboo was just was grateful that he wouldn't bump his head on the door frame. They walked in silence through the long glass hallways. Then he got nervous as they got closer and closer to their destination. These were heroes, would they be angry with him for the things he had done? He had blown up the community house, but that wasn't Ranboo's fault!

He didn't remember it, it couldnt've been him, right?

Midoryia POV

The capture of the strange creature he saw in the kitchen was a failure, the good news was that he hadn't seen it again since that night. They told Mr. Aizawa about it, but all he said was

"Don't worry about it, you'll find out soon enough."

Luckly, everyone had gotten over it, and they were back to normal.

Midoryia got to school at the usual time, sat down at his desk and chatted with Uraraka and Todoroki. Mr. Aizawa came in and stood at his pedestal.

"All right everyone, stop talking already." Mr. Aizawa said. Everyone started to quiet down and eventually the room was completely quiet.

"Since the new semester is starting," Mr. Aizawa announced "We have decided to put in a new student to Class 1-A"


Ik what ya'll are thinking, "won't the number of students be 21? A non even non rounded number! I dont like that!" well we're just gonna pretend that mineta doesn't exist, Ok? Good. lets continue the story


A new, student?

How? They don't really accept students late, especially because its the middle of the year. Did they have to go through the entrance exams? Or did they come in from recommendations?

Aizawa and the rest of the class turned their heads to the door, where Miss Midnight came in, and motioned to come in to the door. Everyone was at the edge of their seats. Who could it be? Was it a girl or a boy? Nice or Mean? They had to know, and they were about to as the new person came into the room and into vision of everyone.

Midoryia froze

The new student was tall, about 7ft. His skin was black and white and so was his hair. His eyes were red and green. He had horns with rings and pointy ears with gold earrings. He had a long black and white tail that layed on the floor and a tiny crown floating above his head. But most importantly, tiny purple particles were floating around him.

This was the thing he saw that night. The creature he was absolutely terrified of, was going to be his classmate. He glanced over at Kaminari, the only person who saw it with him that night. He was frozen too, with a terrified expression and fists clenched. Only then did Midoriya realise he was also clenching his fists.

The new person standing infront of him, no doubt was a villain who was trying to infiltrate UA.

"Well come on, introduce yourself" Mr. Aizawa said/

"uuh well" he began "I'm... Ranboo and I can teleport."

The class went quiet. No one had any questions and wanted to ask.

"Um well I'm going to sit down." the tall creature made his way towards the back of the room and sat down behind Midoriya, infront of Yaoyorozu, and next to Tokoyami.

He's behind me!

There's a million things he could do behind Midoriya's back. Like grab his head from behind, or pull his chair back!

Ranboo POV

Homeroom went on smoothly, until they were dismissed to the hallway. A boy with spikey blonde hair went up to Ranboo while he was minding his own business. He grabbed him by the shirt and put his explosive hand next to Ranboo's face.

"Listen here Oreo boy," the blonde told him "I'm going to become the strongest hero here. And if YOU get in my way, I'm going to burn you to a crisp!"

"K then angry pomeranian you do you." Ranboo replied back. This boy reminded him of Tommy, he had the same attitude of the spikey blonde. So he knew how to deal with people like this.


Suddenly, the blonde got held back by a red spikey boy with sharp teeth and a scar above his eye.

"Bakugou stop! Its his first day, he didn't do anything wrong!" Said the spikey red boy. "I'm so sorry about him, I'm Kirishima, and I hope you can forgive us!"

"No worries, its fine" replied Ranboo. Kirishima smiled and continued to scold Bakugo for yelling at him.

srry for the late chapter, I dont have an excuse im just lazy 

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 22, 2023 ⏰

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