3: Tom

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"Stop leaving us to go talk to hot guys." Emilia says as she slaps my arm

"Hey you can be talking to all the hot guys yourselves." I say back shrugging.

"Stephanie there you are, your the only normal girl here. Can't run away from me." He says walking over to us as he looks Emilia up and down.

"Bill this is Emilia and Sonya the other models I told you about." I say and he smiles.

"I can tell." He says smiling keeping eye contact with Emilia as she blushes.

"Okay why don't you guys get to know each other." I say as I grab Sonya's hand and pull her away. We start dancing while talking until Its Getting Hot in Here starts playing.

"Fuck this is my song." Sonya says as we both start dancing on each other like any hot girls would do in a club. The other guitarist comes up to the both of us with a smile on his face and looks right at Sonya.

"I know your with a friend but wanna dance?" He asks as Sonya looks at me with exited eyes but still wanting me to say yes so she won't have to feel bad for ditching me later.

"Yes she does." I say pushing her into the long haired boy and she mouths thank you. I wink at her until I feel hands wrap around my waist.

"Looks like I'm the only one without a girl." I hear Toms thick German accent say from behind me as I turn around.

"Aww you poor baby." I say pouting my bottom lip out them smiling.

"That doesn't happen often." He says playing with his lip ring again.

"Oh I bet." I say rolling my eyes with a smile as I start dancing again.

"Your the hottest girl here" he whispers in my ear making me blush but I try to hide it with a smile.

"I know" I say with a snarky tone. His hands start travelling lower down my back as he starts dancing to the same beat I am so I turn around before he can grab my ass. I start to walk away before he grabs my hand and pulls me back towards him.

"Why don't we go sit down." He says and starts walking towards the couches I was talking to Bill on to see there's only a love seat available. Tom sits down spreading his large jeans as much as he can so there's no room for me to sit.

"What a gentleman." I say rolling my eyes at him.

"There's room." He says patting his lap. I don't listen and instead I sit down on the one armrest of the chair and put my feet up on the other.

"You like making this hard for me don't ya." He says shaking his head as he pokes the inside of his mouth with his tongue.

"I don't like it. I love it." I say whispering in his ear. Then pulling away with a grin.

"If you wanted easy you shouldn't have invited me." I say moving my legs from the other side of him and walking over to Sonya.

"Wanna get out of here." I ask and she just nods before asking the long haired boy for his number which she dials into her phone saving if as "George the rockstar." They both smile at each other before Sonya kisses him on the cheek and we both walk over to Bill and Emilia.

"Wow Toms gotten quick." Bill says making me roll me eyes.

"Nothing happened I left him sitting on the couch. Ready to go Emilia?" I ask and she shakes her head no.

"Emilia we got to go, you have an interview tomorrow and Sonya has a shoot." I say and she rolls her eyes.

"It's good Emilia. We'll talk later, hand me your phone." Bill says as they start giving each other their digits and George and the blonde drummer also come over.

"Leaving so soon." I hear Tom's voice once again from behind me.

"We have things to do tomorrow." I say before turning around but he again grabs my hand and pulls me into him.

"You have to stop pulling me around." I say to him.

"Sure you don't want to stay. I have enough space in my bed for you." He says smirking.

"You sure you do?" I ask him and he just smirks at me.

"I don't stick to just the bed Tom." I say in his ear as I put a hand gently on the back of his neck.

"Neither do I Stephanie. I think we'd have a good time upstairs. You'd feel better then you have ever before." He says back placing his hands back on my waist.

"I'm sure I would." I say back with a smile as we keep eye contact for about 20 seconds before he starts leaning in and I place my pointer finger on his chin pushing his face to the side.

"To bad neither of us will know." I say in his ear as I kiss his cheek and turn around to face the door.

"Not even a goodbye." He says looking at me with a smirk.

"No point if we are going to see each other again." I say blowing him a kiss as the three of us exit from the door.

"Oh my god you tease." Sonya pushes me.

"What? I have to give him something he's not used to." I say shrugging with a smile as we hop into one of the cabs that was a block down and go home.

The tease ~ Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now