‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Intruder ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

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Miguel was typing away on his holographic screens till he was interrupted by flashing red lights as alarms rang, signaling an intruder. Miguel quickly called up his small team of Jess and Riley for a search of the whole base as he had every other spider evacuated. He exited his large study and jogged around every lounging room searching each corner to try to spot the unwanted guest. As he ran, portals to different dimensions opened everywhere as spiders went in to go back to their own dimensions. He checked everywhere to see if he could find the intruder as he saw Jess on her motorcycle pass by him, slowing down as she approached him. "Any sign of the intruder?" Jess asked as she had her right foot down on the floor as she waited for Miguel's response.

"No. I believe it might have been an error, but keep looking to be sure." Miguel replied as he shot a web to a pillar. "And make sure they don't find out anything about the base!" He said sternly as he swinged away and eventually went back on foot and ran around the base to find the intruder. Miguel arrived at the lobby on floor nine. It was dim and quiet, a perfect spot for an intruder to hide. He slowed down and walked quietly and began to search around. He eventually looked at a pile of boxes that were recently delivered to HQ. The boxes were already empty so it was odd how they haven't been thrown away. Instinctively, Miguel slowly, cautiously walked towards the pile and looked over them and saw someone crawled into a ball against the wall hiding. A girl, she looked absolutely stunning with her silky hair over her face, Miguel paused as he wondered what he should do. She looked like she was a part of his dimension by the way her body was formed as most other spiders were animated or modeled differently from him but not her, or should I say, you. Eventually he pulled out a small gadget and threw it down next to you which quickly surrounded you with a force field powered by advance technology force fields. Miguel picked up the forced field by throwing it over his shoulder and brought you to his large. Miguel set you down and chose to keep you in the force field and waited for you to become more responsive. He pondered whether if you were from his dimension or if you just didn't glitch as often as the others.

While waiting he called up the rest of the spiders to come back and resume what they were doing. "Hey." Miguel spoke up and he knelt down next to you. "How did you enter this place? And what is it that you're here for?" He calmly asked as he rested his hand on the field.

After a few seconds you slowly sat up and looked up at Miguel. The intruder he saw looked into his eyes as your eyes finally met for the first time. "May I at least know your name mrs?" Miguel spoke again hoping to eventually get a response.

"Y/N..." Miguel nodded as he looked over his shoulder as his ai assistant Lyla was floating there laying on her back.

"Background check?" Lyla asked as Miguel nodded. Soon Lyla flashed a bright amber scan over y/n as a screen appeared with a large error sign. "Huh. That's odd." Lyla gave off a confused look as she shrugged. "Let me try scanning from our dimension." She was referring to y/n as a spider variant when she first scanned you so now she was going to scan you again to see if you are from their dimension. Lyla scanned you again as an error came back.

"Now that's just shocking fantastic." Miguel rolled his eyes as he stood back up. "Y/n. What I'm about to ask you might be confusing in your case. But I must know if you have any clue in which dimension you are from." He looked down at you with his hands resting on his waist, trying to be patient and calm.

"I'm not sure... I just woke up here..." You spoke calmly as you looked around.

"Do you remember what happened before you got here?" Miguel asked you as he leaned back.

"Uhm... Thats.. classified...." Miguel raised his brow at you as he straightened his poster.

"Don't even start now. I need to know what happened so we can get this over with faster." He was clearly stressed out, but it's was clear you were slightly anxious and nervous about what to say.

"I uhm... Are you cosplaying Spiderman?" You changed the subject as in your eyes you saw a famous Genesis cosplaying as spiderman.

"Uhm-..." He was completely caught off guard with that as Lyla snickered. "Uh... It's a dare." He said as he didn't want to blow his identity. "And please for thors sake, don't change the subject. I might not be the real deal but at least let me help you get home safely." He said genuinely, it was almost, cute in a way.

"I was at a bar." You answered. "I was celebrating my friends birthday there with them." You added as he stared at the ground trying to make sense of it.

"I thought bars were illegal and discontinued?" He looked up at you and rested his hands on his hips.

"No not really. I have... Connections... Please don't tell anyone."

"Sabes que? If you show me where this so-called bar is at I'll help you go home safely..." Miguel turned off the force field he used to capture you. "Here come with me." He held down his hand to you.

"Where are you going to take me?" You raised your brow at him.

"Somewhere safer than here." He answered as you initially took his hand, it was huge and low key standing next to him was slightly intimidating as to how tall he was, nonetheless his huge muscles made him more intimidating as well but the way he was at the moment you didn't really have a reason to fear him yet.

"What is this place?" You asked as he let go of your hand as you followed him around.

"My lab, as a Genesis I need good space for my work." He answered as he looked quite serious, much more than he was at first. You rolled your eyes as you decided to shut up and follow him since you didn't have any more questions. You practically struggled to not do anything that could get you kicked out as you walked past lots of cool things that you'd LOVE to steal.

"Who dared you to dress like spiderman anyways?" You spoke up as you walked together through a long hallway.

"My...uhm.." Miguel paused to think. "Brother Gabriel."

"Oh, I see." You said lowly as you both continued walking, as you did Miguel thought about a hint that you've given him, you had a Miguel in your dimension meaning that there was a very limited list of dimensions that you could be from. One in which makes his stomach twist.


I'm tired so I'm just updating this one a little bit, mostly because I feel like it just needs a little more to it. Also to those of you who got here first I changed the plot and all just cus I got a new idea so... My bad???

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