Chapter 1: A New Town

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The drive to the new town was long and tiring and Tony just wanted to get out and stretch her legs.

"Mom, dad, I'm cramped up back here. Can't we at least stop for a little while so I can stretch and feel my limbs again," Tony whined.

Although she didn't mean to whine, it just came out like that. They had been traveling all day after leaving bright and early that morning.

"We're almost there, Tony. I'm sure you can last a few more miles," her mother rolled her eyes.

"I don't think k can, mom. We've been traveling all day and only stopped twice. That's not good enough for me. I need to stretch," she whined again.

Her mother huffed. But her father looked over at his wife.

"She is right, dear. We haven't stopped in a couple of hours. I think we should have a nice picnic lunch under those trees over there," father said with a smile as he pulled to the side of the road.

Her mom crossed her arms and rolled her eyes but finally opened the door once the car came to a stop.

"It's this amazing!" Tony squealed in delight. "Everything is so green!"

"Of course it is. This is Ireland, Tony," her mother scoffed.

"Cheer up, mom. It isn't every day we get to do this," the 18 year old said in delight.

"Well we have to be at the new house before the movers get there. We're going to be late," the woman complained.

Tony stopped twirling and stared at her step mother.

Why did dad have to marry her again? He and I were happy just us two. She thought to herself and she watched her dad calm her down.

All Tony could think about was how whiny this woman was. And she didn't even deserve to be called mom. She was nothing like a mother to Tony. All she did was boss her around and whine and complain when she didn't do nothing right.

"I miss mom," Tony whispered to herself,as she looked into the forest that seemed so peaceful. "I miss our laughs, our picnics. Our talks."

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