Chapter 1

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"I'm sorry Tommy, I'm sorry Tommy." Newt cries out. "It's okay.." I say slowly. My heart is breaking into pieces, seeing Newt like this. "I love you Tommy, I have from the moment I first saw you." He mutters, before coughing up the black gunk that has been infecting his body. I see the look in his eyes changing. The virus is taking over again. He only has a matter of minutes, maybe seconds left before turning into a Crank. I want to say a hundred things, tell him I love him back. But I want him to know, not this thing that has been invading him.

"THOMAS!" Someone yells. I recognize the voice, and turn around quickly. "Brenda! Quick, he doesn't have a lot of time left! Please, hurry!" Brenda runs to me, holding the serum. "I'm here, i'm here." I grab the needle, and without thinking twice I insert it in Newts arm, and I inject the blueish looking serum. The look of bloodthirst in his eyes dissapears, and the real Newt returns. "Tommy?" He mumbles, before falling to the ground. "Brenda, where is the Berg? We need to get out of here quickly!"

Brenda grabs her Walkie-Talkie, and calls Jorge. "We need you, right now. The city is burning down, we wont last much longer! We're at the station!" 

She grabs one of Newts arms. "C'mon Thomas, we need to get him up. Jorge and Vince are coming as fast as they can." I nod, and grab Newts other arm. "Get up Newt, we're going to save you." I see his eyes open slowly, and I help him get up. "Let's go Newtie." I say softly. A small smile appears on his face.

"You three aren't going anywhere." We turn around, and I see Teresa. She's standing there pointing a gun at us. No, not at us... She's pointing the gun at Newt. "Teresa, let us leave. We wont bother you anymore. We'll leave, mind our own business. Alright?" Teresa bites her lip. "No." I confused look spreads on my face. "I just need your blood Thomas. You're the cure. You come with me, and I'll let your two Crank friends go." My blood, that Teresa loves so much, begins to boil when she calls Newt and Brenda my "Crank friends." 

"No, why don't you use your own blood? I mean, if you want the blood of an immune person so bad, why not use your own?" Teresa starts to laugh. "Thomas, your blood is the only right blood, it has the perfect cure. The blood from the others is not good enough, but your blood is the perfect match for a cure." 

I sigh. "And then? I come with you, and i'm gonna be tortured, used, and experimented on for the rest of my life?" Teresa seems to think about it. "Thomas, your life can save thousands!" "No Teresa. Remember what they used to tell us? WICKED is good. No, you have abused enough people. Brenda, DO IT! I yell. Brenda lets go of Newt, and loads her gun. I pick Newt up in bridal style, and carry him outside. "Thomas..." He mumbles again. "Shh, Newtie, it's alright." I hear gunshots coming from the station. "We need to help Brenda." Newt says, and he tries to stand up. "No Newt. You're not going anywhere." Right when I say so, Brenda comes running outside. "She called those guards of her. I can't fight ten people at the same time." She says, her voice hitching. 

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