The letter that changed the fate of our worlds.

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Dear Lukiel,

Thomas. Thomas. Thomas
Why can't I get that name out of my head.
It's like one of those old records our mum used to play on repeat as she danced through the house, laughing as she went.

Sometimes I miss the summer days of our country. Before I was forced to move here by our father, cut from our mothers will and left with nothing but my painting supplies.

If it's a bad day I'll think about her, wondering if she'll arrive at the ominous black front door and take me back to the farm, to the estate, you.

When it's a good day. Well, then I'll only dream of her instead.

Bad days are the worst. They cut into my heart and soul like the hooked knifes we use for the pigs after springtime. Those knives were used for the messy parts, the parts we didnt want to sell. Those were the knives we used on things that held no value.

Now I see we were wrong to throw out those parts into the waste truck without a second glance. I know men in this city who would kill to just be able to have the tiniest sliver of those parts.

City's life's changed me Lukiel. I just want to come back home. To you, to mum.

On those bad days I don't think, I hardly do anything at all. Thomas walks me from my bed, to the meal room and up into the break room. Once there the hues and colours of this lands  ever changing sky entrance me. Blue, dusty orange, the pink hues that remind me of the hurani flowers mum used to grown in the spring which them melts into chocolate brown, the exact colour of your eyes when you laughed. People used to say our eyes were the same, but no, mine are far to dull to even come close to being the same colour as your eyes, so full of hope and life and love. The way they swirled with green when you cried, and held golden specks when you smiled.

But nows not the time for remembering.

The colours, they lull me into a trance until it's time to move back down into the bed room and hope that I don't dream of mother again.

I fear the bad days Lukiel. More so I fear the feeling of letting someone else in, to take care of me, than the thoughts of home.

I fear the memories these days bring. Of you, and the life I left behind. Of days when the air didn't stink with the odour of the outer city factories that power this foreign country. Of the fields and meadows, the soft willow bark of the trees as we climbed. Higher and higher and higher until we thought we could see the whole world. How nieve we were Lukiel. I hope you never have to travel to these lands, it's an ugly ruined country, so different to our home.

Now onto the purpose for this letter.

They're preparing for war over here. They believe that it's coming from the the ones above. I'm worried what this means for me.

Dean has been pushing us hard for intel, but the bad days have been becoming more frequent. I fear I'll be kicked out, and then I'll have no money to buy passage back home, or to pay off the debts on the farm.

If you're receiving this, which you most likely won't as it'll just go into the hat box with the other letters, I hope you know I love you, and Ma and in a way, Pa too. I hope that when the time comes I can show you the kind of person I want to be. One that doesn't run away anymore. Instead he fights back, fights FOR the things he  believes in and those he loves. I hope when the time is right I can show you I've changed into someone you can be proud to call  your family.

All my love to you and the family,
Your brother,


Authors note

Sorry it's taken me so long to update I've been busy with school and assignments. Now that those are over hopefully I'll be updating more regularly.

This is a pretty bad chapter I'm so sorry I just really wanted to get something out for you all.

Thanks and don't forget to comment on my other story for ideas.

Love eXx.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2023 ⏰

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