9 years have passed

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I had grown quite a lot since the last time we have seen each other.

I had grown quite a lot from the time you tried to rekindle what could have been.

I had grown from the minuscule lies that you tried to force-feed my thoughts.

I had grown to create deal-breakers and boundaries to protect myself.

I was grown when we last met 4 years from the time of your leaving

I was growing out of the toxic image of love and affection

I was growing a bulletproof vest from flesh and bones 

I was growing a collection of bodies to boast if we ever met again

I grew a shield with ill-equipped words like "fuck it " or " You're full of crap"

I grew a 10 ft wall of false maturity a facade built to crumble

I planted hatred in a garden that regressed, where growth never survived

All my growth grew into nothing as I still expected a proper goodbye

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