All the moments we forgot, all the sadness bottled up

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A gift card is left on a table. Next to it lays a box covered in glitter. A little girl goes to the table and opens the box and discovers a beautiful doll with dark button eyes and a long fabric dress that matches her white hair. On her soft head sits a hat in the shape of a dandelion. A mother gets close to the girl and hugs her. The woman takes the card and reads it, then leaves it on the box. The card for her 5 year old daughter. The card for her birthday. In letters so hard to read, there is only one clear word:

An old woman sits on her chair, in front of a sewing machine. A set of white wool and black buttons is put gently on the desk. The vase full of dandelions is covered in light, and a doll without her dark button eyes sleeps on the table. We all die. The only thing that makes us different is time. A five year old girl will rise to the sky, a mother will sleep on clouds, but a doll will stay on a grave.

In case you have too much time and you don't have anyone to bring you a card, to stay by your grave, if you are 5, 12, or even 57, my doll will send her sincere condolences.

Life under the dark blue sky
Paint the clouds

When winter comes, a candle dies. A voice shuts and the sky opens its big gate. A child, a young boy, smiles. He loved the snow, white and pure, but he couldn't feel that it's cold. The clouds were smiling at him, with a big warm mouth that hides something deeper, thunder. The boy wanted to touch the soft and light pillow that the sky slept on. In his little bedroom, on his bed, he took a piece of paper.

When summer appears, a flower grows, water from every river gives liquid life, and a little voice appears, the voice of an angel, a child of the sky, a little boy. He was made out of light and happiness and you could see the innocence in his bright blue eyes. He was too young to remember the sun smiling at him. But in the back of his mind, he could still hear a gate opening.

In autumn, a little boy smiled at the sun and waved his fragile hand to him. A piece of paper lies on his bed, a treasure. The gate of the sky, with its lock on the ground. With a ball in his hand, he plays on the grass. Then a crack broke the silence. It must've been the wind.
Yes, the wind....
When the wind comes a little boy flies in the sky. It was that time when 6 feet never felt so far. He was living this earth to join the clouds.

When the wind leaves, a little piece of piece of paper was still flying in the air, between the dandelions. Maybe he could paint the clouds after all.

All the endings
A young girl sits on her bed, in the bright autumn sun. Time doesn't slow down. Maybe because summer felt like yesterday. One bright light, a leaf from the sun, gets lost in the wind.
Then came the rain.
A young lady sits in her bed, with a book in her hand. Time starts to slow down. Maybe because loneliness stopped by, and turned hours in days, weeks in months.
Then the thunder came.
An old woman sits in her bed. She gets up like a tired butterfly and walks to her front door. A strange magic turns her stumble into running, heavy breathing into laughing. She got out and ran in the forest.
A little child, free and wild runs with the trees.
A young lady feels the birds flying away, scared of the dark sky.
An old woman stops and smiles at the clouds.
Then the lightning struck.
And all that laughter turned into deep silence.
Maybe because a smile reached all the endings.

One imaginary friend

In the middle of September, life appears. A candle gives light, bright and warm. Next to a grave, the wax melts along with sad flowers. A little girl sits behind the graves stone, with a doll in her hand with happy flowers. The white suits brought the flowers, so the grave wouldn’t be empty. One petal falls into the girls lap. They took him away, far away, and put this stone here. Worthless. He never existed for the adults, for the blind people. He always gave hugs and stories to the young girl. When they all saw him, it was too late. Now she is blind. A leaf falls and dies. She always loved the hugs, soft as a cloud, happy as sunshine. Now everyone needs a hug. Maybe not the happy ones. And maybe not as warm. Maybe because he is gone.
She was 6 when she met him. The colors started getting brighter, the birds sang happier songs. She never knew she needed him, till that day by the lake. A new reflection appeared in the water, the ducks swam away and two bright eyes filled the darkness. One more soul, one more imaginary friend. They had fun together till the white suits appeared. Mom and Dad called them. They told her she was special, talking to strange voices in her head. Friend came but the girl was the only one that could see him. He smiled, she laughed, then ran away. The white suits came again trying to talk to her. Mom told her that they came here to help her. They were wasting their time. She never needed anyone. Dad named the suits soul doctors, that came here to fix her. She wasn’t like the car in the garage, she didn’t have wheels that had to be fixed. For 4 years, the suits visited from time to time, but he started to disappear. Her imaginary friend.
Then he was gone. She cried, a lot and wanted to remember him. So she asked the suits to build a grave.
She bought flowers. Dead people have more flowers. Regret is stronger than gratitude. Bigger than love. She sat by the grave for hours. The wind blew her fluffy long hair. Then she felt a hug. It was from the grass, the sky.   Maybe she wanted a hug, one of the happy ones. Maybe she laughed. Maybe she was happy because she knew he was never there, but he wasn’t dead either.

Why can't you write a poem

I'm looking at the rain
Screams are all the same
God knows where you'll stay
Alone I lay

You're looking in the rain
Just a few doors away
You're my only escape
Mom, dad your named

What do I have
What do I have to say?
Where should I hide?
Where should I hide from pain?

I took the bandaid
Cover up a blood stain
I am here to entertain
But I fall behind

I turn the TV on
cover up your loud song
Your screams
Your drunk
Your broken love
The last wound I hold

Praying for a door
So I leave this dirty floor
To leave this story torn
In a fireplace

Mom gets up to me
The pain to small to see
,,I was your age,
I made a change"
,, You're ungrateful
Will you survive this world?"

What do I have
What do I have to say?
Where should I hide?
Where should I hide from pain?

Feels like we have matching wounds but
Mine's still black and bruised
And yours is perfectly fine

I took the bandaid
Cover up a blood stain
I am here to entertain
But I fall behind

I turn the TV on
cover up your loud song
Your screams
Your drunk
Your broken love
The last wound I hold

The door shut

The door shut
The bottle pop
The voices shout

Mommy cries
Daddy lies
My body lies on the bed
Thinking of the words they said

What family?
Do you disagree
Everything is moving around
I can only leave the door shut

What honesty
Go to bed darling
Is this an adult fight?
Is this what love feels like?

Next day at school,
2 bruises and a wound
And a truth they don't see
Daddy is mean to me
It's lunch break and mommy forgot
To pack my food today
And this is love they say

What family?
Do you disagree
Everything is moving around
I can only leave the door shut

What honesty
Go to bed darling
Is this an adult fight?
Is this what love feels like?

Notebook open, Shakespeare stories
No writer would compare
But the voices of those authors
Hide in thoughts
Never disappear
Mommy starts to fall apart
The book closes
Daddy forgets all the fight
He still vomits
One broken bottle the floor
baby can't take this anymore

What family?
Do you disagree
Everything is moving around
I can only leave the door shut

What honesty
Go to bed darling
Is this an adult fight?
Is this what love feels like?

One day later in the court the story starts again
Mommy in a pretty red dress
Feels like she is in distress
Daddy in a big black suit
He thinks to much but he's still mute
Baby in the middle has to choose the path
It's really obvious the answer
But the world doesn't know that
She jumps in to her mommy's arms
And cries all her tears
She doesn't want a happy ending
She just wants an end.

What family?
Do you disagree
Everything is moving around
I can only leave the door shut

What honesty
Go to bed darling
Is this an adult fight?
Is this what love feels like?

Empty bathroom
A bloody floor
Secrets they would never know
It reaches my empty core
Sadness hiding
Broken soul

Just pull the trigger
It will go away
Every piece of sadness
You have to obey
The trigger is another way escape
Pull it and let the blood river flow away

Angelic sound
A loud crash sounds
Like a symphony
The music of envy
Gun on the table
Close to hand
If you pull the cable
You only drop dead

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