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I hate to see how 12 year olds are so dumb.
In books, movies, everywhere they pretend life focuses on them and live a happy life.
While other 12 year olds cry in pain and spend their time in vain, sobbing, trying to ask for help, but their voice is so far away. Isolation is the answer, the escape. The only price is silence in your mind, cause the thoughts will always show up. All the bruises don't hurt anymore. I'm not gonna sit here and laugh like a moron while there is war, there is pain, hunger. A 12 year old is not gonna sit there and search for happiness cause pain is the easiest choice. The closest thing you reach. All the blood doesn't hurt anymore. I hate how 12 year olds are so naive, cause they don't know what life is. They don't know the truth so early.
I hate how 12 year olds are so dumb.
Can't wait to turn 13.

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