Chapter 11

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Jericka POV

5 Days Later...


I woke up to a loud banging on the front door downstairs. I groaned and got out of bed, I walked out my room to see my brothers standing on the balcony of the stairs.

"Y'all couldn't open the door?" i asked

"We scared it's a killer, you dmgo answer it" Corey said

"Punk ass bitches" I mumbled while walking downstairs.

When I flicked the porch light on a figure ran away from the door, I opened the door and look outside and nothing was there. I begin hearing something like a baby fussing. I looked down to see a beautiful baby in a pink carseat.

"What in the living hell?" I said while grabbing the carseat, along with the baby bag.

"Go get dad!" I said while carrying the carseat to the couch.

"What the hell is going on?" My dad said walking downstairs with my brothers following him

"I don't know" I said unstrapping the baby out the carseat.

I pulled her out the carseat and she begin to smile showing off her deep dimples.

"Read the note that's attaching to her jacket" Tyrone said

I cradled the baby in my arms and took the note off of her.

"This note is for Jayceon Jr" It read

I looked up at Jr and raised my eyebrows.

"Keep reading" my dad said

"Jay this is Jaycee your daughter, she's 2 month old. She was born on your birthday February 7th. I'm sorry I lied about aborting her but it was best for me to do so. I didn't want my parents finding out that I was pregnant so I ran away. That's the reason why I called instead of seeing you face to face. I ran away for months until I had Jaycee. Since you got me knocked up, you take care of her." I read outloud

Everybody snapped their head towards Jr and he rubbing his neck nervously.

"Can I hold her?" He asked me

"Sure" I smiled

I made sure he held his hands right before placing Jaycee in his arms.

"Jayceon I'm very upset with you right now, but you didn't know that she was pregnant. This is your child, meaning it's your responsibility to take care of this baby. You going to have to get a job because you're not using MY money to take care of YOUR baby. Welcome to the life of being a father. A single father at that. I'm not saying that we're not gonna help with little miss Jaycee but she's your responsibility now. You can't go to many party, go out with friends, and much more. Son I'm telling you, you're gonna have to sacrifice so many thing for her." My dad said

Jr nodded his head while rocking Jaycee back and forward.

"Wow, I have a niece" Corey said lightening up the mood

"I'm a aunt! She's going to call me Auntie J" I smiled while walking over to Jr

"She looks just like you" My dad smiled

"I can't believe I have a daughter" Jr said while kissing her cheeks


The Next Day...

Jayceon Jr POV


"Jaycee please go back to sleep, daddy's sleepy" I groaned

She just wouldn't stop crying. I looked at her and she start sucking on her fingers.

"You hungry?" I smiled at her

I got out my bed and picked her up. I walked out my room and carried her downstairs. I seen my brothers and our homeboys sitting around playing the game. Jaycee begin to whine more and start sucking on her fingers harder.

I walked into the kitchen and placed her on the counter and I look in her baby bag. I pulled out her formula and it was completely empty, and she was also out of pampers and wipes.

I groaned loudly out of frustration.

"What's wrong?" Jericka asked coming into the kitchen

"Jaycee is hungry and don't have no freaking formula left and she's also out of pampers. This father shit is already hard and I've only been having her for a freaking day!" I semi-yelled

"Jayceon calm down okay? Just give her some regular milk for now, have Kacey, Corey, or Tyrone to watch her while we go buy something for her." Jericka said while rubbing my back

"Come to Uncle Ty" Tyrone said while holding his arms out to pick her up with a full bottle in his hand.

"I got her Jr go ahead and go to the store." Tyrone smiled before walking away to go feed her.

"I'll be back, let me put a shirt on and get my shoes on" I said


Me and Jericka walked in the house with a whole bunch of groceries not only for Jaycee but our family too. Since my mom left a few days ago, we ran out of food and snacks.

"Oh my goodness please go change your daughter. She stinks and I don't know how to change her" Kacey said as I placed the groceries down

"Jericka can you hand me the bag with her pampers and everything else I bought for her?" I asked

"Yeah I'll bring it up in a sec." She said while putting the groceries up

"You miss daddy?" I smiled at Jaycee

I bumped into someone while walking upstairs. I looked around to see my mother.

"Mama?" I said

"Hey Jr" she smiled

"What you doing here? You're back?" I asked

"Your father wanted to talk to me and I'm waiting for him. Who is this little thang?" She asked

"Mama this is my daughter... Jaycee" I said

"Your what?" She asked

"My daughter mom" I said

She slapped upside my head and slapped me across my face.

"Mommy that hurt" I said

"Nigga it was supposed to! We'll talk later lil nigga." She said stepping around me

"Here you go Jr" Jericka said handing me the sacks with Jaycee things.

"Can you carry them to my room please?" I asked

She nodded her head and followed me into my room.

My mouth literally drop when I seen it was rearranged and have the side k job 0 Jayce part of the room and the other was my part. It had a changing area, a Brown k., crib with pink blankets inside, she had other things she'll need in the corner. Like, her drawers where it had clothes and shoes inside.

"What the fuc-- what the hell-- when did this happen?" I asked in the state of shock

"When we were at the store for damn near two hours" Jericka said

I turned around to see my brothers and parents behind me. I smiled widely.

"I really appreciate this, like foreal." I smiled really hard

"You're welcome" My dad said

"Thank you all whoever bought and set this up. I promise I'll pay you guys back" I said seriously

"I think I should get to changing and taking her a bath because she really stinks" I said

"Please do so, because whatever came out of her behind was such a foul smell" Kacey said while gagging

"Don't do my baby" I mugged him

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