the shy Azura makoto

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In another world the earth has become a decimated wasteland only when the monster was sealed by a great priest on that same day a child was born with cursed blood

The parents were terrified the child looked nothing like them the mother had black hair and green eyes while the father had blond hair and brown eyes

The baby however had dark brown hair and ocean blue eyes they immediately abandoned her in the woods causing the child to cry loudly

The baby heard footsteps close in on her "You poor child" a spirit said picking her up wiping the baby girl's tears from her face

"You my child have potential, your a special case...don't worry child I will make sure your taken care of" the spirit said setting the child down setting her to sleep

"Your memories will awaken when you realize your destiny" the spirit said as the spirit lightly kissed the top of her forehead gently letting the baby sleep as a forest fairy carried her in it's arms

"Find the wolf mask from your past life's and all will be revealed little one" the forest fairy said before setting her down in a temple

8 years later...

A man the name of Geo Noto Soto serves as a priest for the kingdom of Metallicana he has been having these strange dreams about a child blessed by God but he had no idea what it meant

"I wonder why that child has been plaguing my dreams as of late it seems to have become more frequent" Geo said with a sigh

He had to take care of his young 8 year old daughter yoko and the young lucien who was rather young but still a little dense

Then the darkness fell Geo had set up camp for the night he was eating one of the apples from his pouch then heard a strange noise

He pulled out a staff "who's there" Geo said a figure peered at him through the darkness hiding from him her stomach growled attracting his attention

"Who's there I know you're here come out from that tree very slowly" Geo said as a small petite form showed from behind the tree with messy brown hair and ocean blue eyes wearing ragged clothing

Geo's eyes soften seeing the child putting down his staff and kneeling down "come here child I won't hurt you" Geo said softly

Hearing the soft tone in his voice she slowly moved out of her hiding place revealing herself "come closer child it's alright" Geo said

She slowly walked over feeling shy yet cautious of the man "what is your name young one" Geo asked she tilted her head in confusion

"Can you understand me" Geo said she nodded slowly "you can't speak or you've never learned" Geo said she stared at him blankly

"I suppose that answers my question" Geo said then her stomach growled loudly making her grab her stomach and blush in embarrassment

"Are you hungry little one" Geo said pulling out an apple and gave it to her she immediately snatched it out of his hand eating it

'What's a small child like this doing out in the forest on her own' Geo thought to himself as he then realized this was the child blessed by God

He noticed all the scars she had on her body 'this poor child has been through so much' Geo thought to himself as she finished off the apple

She searched through his pockets for another apple "you silly child" Geo said "I'm taking you to Metallicana tomorrow I'm not leaving you here in the forest to fend for yourself" the man said

The next day...

Geo was drivng in a wagon with the child in the back of the wagon she cautiously peered out watching in curiosity

They finally came out of the wagon to see a castle with a church chapel "welcome to Metallicana child" Geo said helping her walk inside

"Hello Geo Noto Soto what a pleasant surprise to see you and who is this little one" one of the cleric's said she hid behind Geo shyly

"This one doesn't have a name I found her alone in the forest she is the child blessed by God that I have been dreaming about" Geo said

She peered out at them silently "what an angelic creature to grace us with her presence we shall call her Azura makoto" one of the clerics said


Azure was sitting near the edge of the forest "what are you doing?" A voice said as she turned to see a girl with red hair and a boy with black hair

She pointed at the forest "your looking into the forest" she said confused Azura nodded "why aren't you talking?" The boy asked

Azura shrugs "lucien she's the child blessed by God, your Azura right" the girl said Azura thought for a moment before nodding

"I'm Tia Noto Yoko this is Lucien Renlen"  Yoko said Azura put a thumbs up meaning nice to meet you "we'll teach you to speak later but in the meantime let's play" yoko said

They were playing until lucien tripped and got hurt Azura was making a panicked face "don't worry lucien trips and falls all the time" yoko said

Azura placed a hand above his injured knee and a soft blue light glowed making yoko stare in shock Lucien's injury had healed

"" Azura said surprising both Yoko and Lucien "I'm fine now you fixed me up real good" lucien said this made Azura smile but she soon fainted from overuse of magic

"Oh no papa help" yoko said "what happened" Geo said running outside to see what happened "we were playing and lucien got injured then she healed him and collapsed" Yoko said

"She healed him!?" Geo said looking at the girl who was passed out unconscious on the ground as he began thinking she really was the child blessed by God

Cursed Child Re Goddess: flaming desire originWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu