Big Brother Spoils Me a Little...Too Much

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"Slow down, Miss, don't go too far!" urged the nanny, her voice filled with both worry and exasperation.

Yet, Wang Meixiang, a precocious three-year-old, paid no mind to the nanny's pleas. Instead, a mischievous glint danced in her eyes as she giggled, relishing in her own audacity. Like a sprite with boundless energy, she sprinted towards the grand gates of their ancestral mansion, her laughter trailing behind her.

"Careful near the stairs, Amithabba!" the nanny cried out, her voice a blend of urgency and apprehension.

But the little girl remained undeterred, her innocence shielding her from the nanny's concerns. With a touch of defiance, she retorted, "No, no, I am a cheetah!" 

With swift strides, she glided through the vast and breathtaking garden, her petite feet carrying her with purpose. Nimbly maneuvering around the lush shrubbery, she cunningly outpaced the nanny, her infectious laughter reverberating in every corner. Just as she approached the gate, the nanny closed in, nearly catching up, but a familiar hand intervened, halting her in her tracks.

"Well, well, you mischievous little imp," the man chuckled, effortlessly lifting her off the ground and twirling her in the air. He showered her rosy cheeks with affectionate pecks.

As the nanny caught her breath, she glanced over at Wang Haowen, the father of little Meixiang. The stern expression on his face softened at the sight of his daughter, his eyes lighting up with warmth and love.

"Ah, Mr. Wang," the nanny greeted, breathlessly acknowledging the man's presence, her voice tinged with exhaustion from the pursuit.

Wang Haowen, a man of distinguished stature, commanded respect with his mature countenance and an authoritative air that lingered around him. His neatly tailored suit accentuated his broad shoulders and confident stance, a testament to his success as a prominent figure in the business world. 

However, when it comes to his daughter, Wang Meixiang, a complete transformation takes place. The moment he sets eyes on her, his stern facade melts away, and he becomes an adoring father boundlessly pampering her only daughter.

 "Did you give Nanny Li a hard time again today?" he said, his voice tinged with a hint of amusement.

Wang Meixiang continued to giggle, her laughter tinkling through the air like a chorus of silver bells. She clung onto her father's strong arm; her small frame cradled securely in his embrace. With a tender touch, Wang Haowen gently brushed aside a few loose strands of hair that had escaped her intricately adorned hairstyle, tucking them behind her delicate ear. The little girl's laughter intensified, a melody of pure joy filling the serene surroundings.

"Nanny Li couldn't catch me, Daddy!" Wang Meixiang exclaimed in her adorable baby voice, her eyes shining with mischief and triumph. 

"My Meixang is too awesome," Wang Haowen said, feigning astonishment. "You are too fast for Nanny Li. I must be careful not to blink, or you might run away with the wind."

As Wang Meixiang clung to her father's arm, her wide eyes wandered behind him, searching for something or someone. Her tiny fingers tugged playfully at his impeccably knotted tie, a mischievous smile playing on her lips.

"Daddy, where are my brothers?" she asked in her endearing baby talk, her voice laced with innocence and a touch of enthusiasm. "Meixang wants to play with my brothers!"

Wang Haowen couldn't help but chuckle at his daughter's adorable way of speaking. Her pronunciation, still in its early stages, often omitted certain letters, making her words even more charming. It was too adorable that it tugged her father's heartstrings.

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