Chapter 3: Word of Advice

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The males exited their vehicles then turned their gaze toward Skye who was landing her helicopter. As she stopped the engine she gestured the little pup to get out of the vehicle and he does. Chase walked up to the little wolf and gave him a very serious look. The pup started growling at him in response. Skye wanted to get between them but she didn't needed to, Chase switched his expression into a slight grin. "I like him." The police pup said then hugged Skye. "Let's raise him together." he said out loud. This shocked Skye but if someone on the team was father material it would be him. She accepted the offer and liked his nose that made everyone laugh but they just continued hugging. The wolf puppy was confused by this, he thought Chase was about to attack him and now he is acting so tender with his adoptive mother. The moment was cut short by Rubble. "Uhh guys! The little dude is bleeding you know." Skye snapped back to reality and turned to Snowball. "Oh my goodness I almost forgot." Let's get you some help with that paw." She said nuzzling him. With that they entered the building.

"Well Marshall, the good news is you are that you're going to heal up in the next weeks. Just take this pills. They are calcium-based. 3 times a day after eating and you should be good to go in a no time. The bad news are that 'till then you are not allowed to go on missions." The girl said. Everest laid down next to him and nuzzled him. "I see, okay then. Thank you Katie." The Dalmatian said. The girl patted him on the head. "Rest a lot Marshall. Ryder will wait you back once you recover." She said. "That's for sure!" Ryder said walking in. "Ryder! What took so long?" Everest asked. Ryder pointed at the little wolf they brought with them. Skye right next to him spoke up. "Katie? Can you please help him? His paw was hurt by a bear trap." She said nuzzling Snowball. "Sure thing but what's up with the bear traps? I hear about animals getting hurt and killed by them every few days." Katie asked lifting the wolf and put him on the table. "I should ask the mayor. Give me a minute." Ryder said. Everest jumped down to the others and noticed that Skye is acting strangely. "What's up with Skye?" She asked. "She got attached to the Wolf. His name is Snowball by the way." Zuma said. "I see. She is cute when she does that." Everest chuckled but Skye did not even look toward them. Snowball was whining and howled in pain as Katie stitched up his wound. Jake was holding the wolf so he doesn't attack her and Skye was fixed on that. "Oh it's like that then." Everest said realizing that Skye didn't just got attached to him. The little wolf became a sort of son for her. This was adorable but Everest was not happy about that. "All done!" Katie said finishing stitching the pup. Snowball howled a bit and Marshall howled back starting a conversation with him. After a little back and forth the Dalmatian translated what the pup was "saying". "He is thankful for all the help you gave him. But he wants to know what happens next." Marshall stated. Ryder just came back after hanging up the call. "It seems there is a bear in the woods and it's super aggressive. Most likely that is what ended Snowball's family. "Poor thing." Rocky said. "Ryder, we can't let him back into the wild. It's too dangerous." Skye said not wanting to let him go. "But you can't keep him neither." Everest said. "What are you talking about Everest?" Ryder asked. Everest started shaking as bad memories surfaced but she calmed herself down and elaborated. "Wolves are unpredictable creatures. You may try to tame them but nothing says he won't attack you at one point in time. I don't say let him be bear food don't get me wrong. All I'm saying is it's a big risk. I say let him live with you for a little while 'till he grows a little, then let him back into the woods." She explained. "No!" Skye yelled. "We can teach him to be a pup. Marshall can teach him to speak and the rest of us can teach him the skills needed for him to be tame." She continued. "Skye you are my best friend but you are not thinking with your head. If anything goes wrong you may not live to regret your decision. Trust me. I had my fair share of problems with wolves." Everest started arguing with her. "Girls please. Let Ryder decide what is going to happen." Ella intervened. All eyes were on the boy. He looked at Skye and then shifted his gaze towards Everest and then towards Snowball. "You promise me you'll teach him to behave?" He asked. Skye nodded and Chase said that he will teach the little wolf discipline once Marshall teaches him to speak. "Okay then. He can stay with us. We will adopt him." Ryder said. Everest was looking disapproving but she saw that there is no reason to try to argue. "Well you do you then. Best of luck pups. Marshall, get well soon. I wish to speak with you about important things once you are at 100%." She said defend but with a smile when talking to Marshall. "Sure." Marshall said. "Also congratulations you two, I see you two are parents now." Everest said to Chase and Skye. They had a bitter look on their face but thanked her. "Jake we got things to do. See you all later." She said leaving the Paw Patrol alone with Katie and Snowball. "See y'all later" Jake said leaving as well. "I wish I know what was all that about." Ella said. "I don't know. Anyway Marshall please tell him that he lives with us from now on." Ryder said. Marshall turned towards Snowball and started talking with him. The pup jumped up happily and landed on his back. Everybody laughed but Chase and Skye. They were happy. Life seems have shown them that they belong together.

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